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High quality project assistance to Tibet to improve the "hematopoietic function" of Gongbujiangda County

10:37, May 19, 2024 | Source: tibet daily
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Recently, the reporter learned from Gongbujiangda County, Linzhi City that since the counterpart support of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province to Gongbujiangda County in 2016, the efforts of project assistance and industrial assistance to Tibet have been continuously increased. So far, 63 planned Tibet aid projects have been completed with an investment of 410 million yuan; It is planned to have 121 foreign aid projects in Tibet, with an investment of 79.028 million yuan. More than 80% of the aid projects in Tibet will be invested in infrastructure and people's livelihood, which will strongly promote the quality and efficiency improvement of Gongbujiangda County in high-quality development and reform and opening up first.

Zhongshan City focuses on consolidation and connection, and comprehensively boosts the rural revitalization of Gongbujiangda County with project implementation. Since 2016, 9 towns and districts and various functional departments in Zhongshan City have invested more than 17.1898 million yuan in Tibet assistance, supporting 65 projects of various industries and people's livelihood. Relying on the large market of Dawan District, develop matsutake, highland barley, Tibetan pig series products, plan to build eight industry driven projects such as Ganoderma lucidum planting, organize to participate in various expositions and two entity sales platforms in Zhongshan City, and sell more than 74 million yuan of Tibetan pork, matsutake, etc. Integrate funds to build 12 well-off demonstration villages such as Xueka and Bengga, build projects such as Laru Village in Niangpu Township and Miji Village in Jiangda Township, harden village roads of nearly 100 kilometers, water supply and drainage works of 17.5 kilometers, 138 toilets, livestock sheds of 1800 square meters, 9 garbage collection and sewage treatment stations, build 2 market town infrastructures, 2 teaching buildings, 7 industrial supporting projects, Continuously improve the production and living environment of high-altitude people.

At the same time, in combination with the industrial development orientation of "strong green and strong black" in Gongbujiangda County, Zhongshan City actively participates in the construction of tourism supporting facilities such as Basongcuo Scenic Area, Zhulahe National Wetland Park, beautiful rural pastoral complex in Jieba Village, and promotes the development of tourism across the region. The hydroponic vegetable production facilities were introduced for demonstration planting, and the first batch of vegetables were successfully planted; Organize 6 Pulu cooperatives to learn production technology of excellent garment enterprises in Zhongshan City. With the positioning of the national characteristic agricultural product advantage area and the autonomous region's core area for the development of the Tibetan pig industry, we will lead the planning and construction of the Tibetan pig industrial park, and build key industrial link projects such as cold chain, slaughter, processing, etc., to help the Tibetan pig industrial park become the first park in Linzhi to create a national modern agricultural industrial park. On this basis, we will continue to promote the consumption assistance to Tibet. The "7+2" consumption assistance platform Zhongshan store will be completed and put into use in 2020, and will be included in the main construction directory of the consumption assistance museum in Zhongshan City in 2021, with a cumulative sales of more than 6 million yuan.

In addition, focusing on the construction of infrastructure for people's livelihood in the medical field, the Zhongshan Tibetan Assistance Team won 70 million yuan of financial support from Guangdong Province and Zhongshan City to help the construction of the overall relocation project of the People's Hospital of Gongbujiangda County. After completion, it will become the county level hospital with the most complete functions and the most beds in Linzhi City, and promote the steady improvement of the medical service capacity of Gongbujiangda County. (Liu Feng and Wang Shan)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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