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Tibetan tea, incense and clothing enter Thai universities

10:10, May 10, 2024 | Source: China News Network
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The cultural and tourism exchange activity "Tea and the World · Gathering" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China and the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region was held at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand on the 9th.

Chang Yumeng, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, said in his speech that tea culture is an important link between China and the world. He hoped that when the "International Tea Day" came, the people of China and Thailand could deepen their understanding of each other through tea culture.

Awang Ciren, Deputy Director of the Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Tibet Autonomous Region, said that in addition to Tibetan tea, the delegation of "Tibet Zhaxidele, China" also brought Tibetan incense, Tibetan clothing and other traditional cultural products that have been included in China's national intangible cultural heritage list. He sincerely invited friends from all walks of life in Thailand to visit Tibet and experience the development, changes and endless charm of Tibet.

This activity is divided into four parts: Tibetan tea, Tibetan incense, Tibetan clothing and Tibetan photography exhibition. With Tibetan traditional culture as the carrier, it opened a new channel for cultural exchanges between China and Thailand. After the start of the activity, some Chinese and Thai audience members wore Tibetan clothes and danced Tibetan dances, while others lingered in front of butter tea stands... Through this cultural tourism exchange activity, we experienced the scenes of Tibetan people's daily life. Besides tasting tea, smelling incense, and trying on Tibetan clothes, we also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of natural harmony in China and Tibet. (Li Yingmin)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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