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Love your job and be a down-to-earth fighter

Yang Wenming, Dou Hanyang, Xu Yuyao
April 29, 2024 11:33 | Source: People's Daily
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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to promote the most glorious, noble, greatest and beautiful social ethos of labor" and "to vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship".

On the eve of the "May Day" International Labor Day, our reporter paid a return visit to three winners of the National May Day Labor Medal. They kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions, based on their posts, striving to be first-class, contributing to a new era, forging ahead on a new journey, and making due contributions to national development and social progress.

  Yu Xianghong——

Based on their own work, enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings

Yu Xianghong, director of Wuning Power Supply Office of Dongyang Power Supply Company of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., has been even busier since he won the National May Day Labor Medal in 2023.

Based on his own work, Yu Xianghong is an enterprising business model in the power supply system. So far, he has led the research to solve 22 power distribution problems, overcome 53 technical problems, and obtained 10 national patents.

"Some time ago, we just got a national patent for an invention." Yu Xianghongkou's invention is a new type of nut temperature measuring device specially used to monitor the temperature of the electrical connector of the 10 kV distribution network power supply line. Yu Xianghong led the reporters to experience on the spot beside a tractor road of 1200 mu farmland in Cailu Village, Dongyang City.

The temperature measuring device installed on the line is only the size of a nut. After logging in to the monitoring platform, the temperature data of the line electrical connector can be viewed in real time. The device also has an overheating warning function, so that the overheating problem of the line equipment can be dealt with in the first time, effectively preventing the occurrence of power outages, and guaranteeing the power supply for agricultural production such as spring plowing and autumn harvesting.

"In the past, in order to meet the power demand of thousands of acres of farmland, power operation and maintenance personnel spent a lot of time on line inspection." Yu Xianghong said that the innovative development and application of the new nut temperature measuring device can transmit massive power data to the background cloud platform, bringing new changes to the "unmanned" inspection of power facilities in farmland.

Not only that, Yu Xianghong is also enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings. In 2020, Yu Xianghong set up Xianghong Social Work Service Center to help the disabled, the elderly and students. Through participating in public welfare projects, he built new houses and repaired old houses for 20 families with disabilities in need in Nanjiang County, Bazhong, Sichuan Province, and led the public welfare team to finance 30 students with disabilities in need and children from families with disabilities in need to complete their studies.

This year is the fourth year that Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, and Nanjiang County, Bazhong, Sichuan Province have paired up to carry out cooperation between the east and the west. After communication and consultation with the Nanjiang Disabled Persons' Federation, Xianghong Social Work Service Center invited five visually impaired people from Nanjiang County to Dongyang for a three-month massage skills training.

Yu Xianghong introduced that in Dongyang, the monthly salary of blind masseurs is about 6000 yuan. If they are willing to stay in Dongyang after finishing their studies, they can get a good income by their own efforts. "For the disabled, mastering a skill is the key to integrating into society and achieving a more dignified life."

After winning the National May Day Labor Medal, Yu Xianghong felt that his burden was heavier and his requirements were higher and higher

   Xiong Chaoyong——

Take the forest as a friend and the elephant as a companion

On the weekend, Xiong Chaoyong, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal in 2022 and a staff member of the Asian Elephant Conservation Management Center of Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau in Yunnan, returned to the Xishuangbanna Asian Elephant Rescue and Breeding Center. The Asian elephant that he and his colleagues have taken care of for many years is undergoing adaptability training in the wild. He has to assess the physical condition of the elephant.

Last year, Xiong Chaoyong transferred from Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Scenic Area Co., Ltd. to Xishuangbanna Asian Elephant Conservation Management Center. "About 200 Asian elephants are active in Xishuangbanna. The population is increasing and the range of activities is expanding." Xiong Chaoyong said that some elephants are shy and all are active in the reserve; Some elephants have changed their eating habits and like to go to farmland and villages. At the Asian Elephant Conservation and Management Center, Xiong Chaoyong and his colleagues analyzed the weak links in conservation and strengthened the conservation and management of wild Asian elephants.

"The most important thing is to keep an eye on Asian elephants." Xiong Chaoyong said that Xishuangbanna has established an Asian elephant monitoring and early warning center, and the monitoring team will follow up wherever wild elephants move. The UAV flying in the sky can follow the elephant in real time. Even at night, it can know the movement of the elephant group through the infrared camera. Once the elephant is out of the reserve, the monitoring team will follow the whole process; The villages and towns that will pass by will receive early warning to remind the villagers to avoid.

"The Asian elephant in Xishuangbanna knows that people will not hurt it, and is no longer afraid of people. We try to remind people to take the initiative to avoid." Xiong Chaoyong was most happy when he went to school to hold science lectures. "Children like to listen and learn quickly, and they can also go back to remind their parents." Whether it is a large class with hundreds of people or a symposium with more than a dozen people, he will do popular science education whenever he has the opportunity.

"Popular science education needs time investment, but it can't be done foolishly, it has to be done skillfully." Xiong Chaoyong said that in addition to the school, he also focused on two types of personnel in popular science education: first, forest rangers, who are most likely to encounter wild Asian elephants; Second, the village cadres can better remind the villagers by teaching them.

With the joint efforts of Xiong Chaoyong and his colleagues, the conservation and management of wild Asian elephants has continued to increase.

Although he was transferred to the Asian Elephant Conservation and Management Center, Xiong Chaoyong did not let go of the rescue and breeding center. "It is my mission and my wish to protect Asian elephants based on my position," said Xiong Chaoyong.


Sweat in the plateau express industry

In the Shunfeng Fengtai Industrial Park, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, thousands of large and small express packages are stacked in a warehouse covering more than 10000 square meters. "All the Shunfeng parcels in Tibet will be delivered here, sorted and delivered to all parts of the country." Tseren Thom, the winner of the National Labor Medal in 2023 and the head of the operation team of Tibet Shunfeng Express Co., Ltd., told reporters.

"Attention, you should wear a hat and pull your long hair in." "You should be careful when riding a battery car, and you must wear a helmet!" Since last year, Ciren Cuomo has become the safety supervisor of the company, responsible for the safety production of the enterprise, and she will not let go of every potential safety hazard.

Cirencuom organizes and carries out four safety trainings, four safety inspections and ten safety propaganda every month, and thoroughly explains every detail that needs to be paid attention to at the post to the employees. "The post has changed, and the perspective of looking at the work is different. I thought that the safety supervisor was wordy before, until I transferred the post, I really understood that 'safety is no trivial matter'."

"As a member of the trade union of the company, I will do my best to protect the rights and interests of employees," Tserenchom said. As the eldest sister in the company, everyone is willing to have a confidant talk with Tserenchom.

In 2010, Tserentsom came to the newly established Lhasa branch of Tibet Shunfeng Express Co., Ltd. For more than 10 years, she has worked as a courier, warehouse keeper, operator, deputy director, and head of the transit field operation team. "Express to thousands of families, and happiness to thousands of families. As an express practitioner in the snow covered plateau, I will continue to do my job well, and contribute to the building of a beautiful and happy Tibet." Tserenchom said.

People's Daily (April 29, 2024, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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