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Echo | Planning is coming! Lhasa, Tibet optimizes bus routes to facilitate mass travel

People's Daily Online reporter Wu Yuren
10:33, March 27, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Tibet Channel
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Recently, a netizen in Tibet left a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online, suggesting that bus operators should strengthen the management of vehicle operation and dispatching, and install "one button alarm" devices on buses to facilitate bus drivers to timely alarm for abnormal events.

 Screenshot of netizen's message

Screenshot of netizen's message

The netizen said, "I took the No. 16 bus many times, and found that the departure schedule of the bus was very poor. At 15:04 p.m. on March 12, I waited for 40 minutes for the bus to leave, but it didn't leave. On the afternoon of March 11, there were drunk people on the bus who dragged me and other passengers. This was the second time in a month that I met drunk people on the No. 16 bus."

After receiving the letter, the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee attached great importance to it and asked Lhasa Communications Industry Group to seriously investigate and verify the relevant issues and make an open reply. According to the reply, in response to the problems reported by netizens, the bus operation company instructed its subsidiaries and relevant technical departments to investigate and verify that there were 2 fault repair vehicles, 1 accident vehicle and 2 drivers on sick leave on the No. 16 bus in operation that day. There were 24 actual vehicles in operation during the time period, and the problem of long waiting time for passengers did exist.

 Screenshot of official reply

Screenshot of official reply

The reply shows that in order to improve the public transport operation level, service quality and travel efficiency in Lhasa, and better meet the travel needs of the masses, Lhasa Public Transport Operation Co., Ltd. invited China Urban Planning and Design Institute to carry out the preparation of special plans for public transport in Lhasa in 2024. According to the special plan, relevant work is implemented in stages and steps. At present, the "four excellent and one reduced" bus route optimization work has been carried out. In the next step, the bus network optimization work will continue to be carried out, and the bus shifts will be flexibly scheduled through the GPS dispatching platform to meet the travel needs of citizens.

At the same time, the bus operation company has equipped 562 buses in the city with one button alarm equipment. If an emergency occurs during the operation of the vehicle, the driver can contact the intelligent dispatching platform through the alarm key and prompt to pop up the relevant alarm at the first time. The patrol inspectors will judge whether there is an emergency by checking the real-time monitoring and watching the conditions in the vehicle, and report it to the relevant units for processing at the first time.

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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