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The ceiling of personality pet refining demon, encounter the adding refining demon

Time: 2024-05-22 08:24 Author: Xiao San talks about dreams Mobile subscription Participate in comments( zero ) [Contribution]
Recently, some players showed amazing luck when refining demons. They chose the low level black bear and the six skill tear demon to smelt demons. The seemingly ordinary combination has produced remarkable results. The combined black bear not only has an astonishing 10 skills, but also has grown up to 1.212, and its qualifications are quite good. This summoning beast is undoubtedly the pinnacle of demon refining, and it is worth players to turn it into an all red skill to show its powerful strength in the task. Especially with the blessing of super collaboration, this personality pet will be more excellent when used at a high level.

The true meaning of the game lies in the joy and relaxation it brings. Hello everyone, I'm a junior. Every day, I will bring you interesting and unique gossip news in the game.

Recently, some players showed amazing luck when refining demons. They chose the low level black bear and the six skill tear demon to smelt demons. The seemingly ordinary combination has produced remarkable results. The combined black bear not only has an astonishing 10 skills, but also has grown up to 1.212, and its qualifications are quite good. This summoning beast is undoubtedly the pinnacle of demon refining, and it is worth players to turn it into an all red skill to show its powerful strength in the task. Especially with the blessing of super collaboration, this personality pet will be more excellent when used at a high level.

In addition, we noticed a 140 level legal system dream chain specially built for the Tang government. This chain not only has strong special effects, but also its special sect is the Tang government. However, it is regrettable that it has been turned into a magic set, which seems to be more suitable for the role of legal system. However, Xiao Bian believes that the most perfect choice is to use such a chain in the Tang government. Because of the sect characteristics of the Tang government and the strong special effects, this chain can almost become an indelible equipment. In addition, the durability of the equipment in the armor position consumes slowly. If the Tang government uses this chain, it can be used for a long time without gems.

Recently, Fantasy Westward Journey launched a limited edition of Royal Guards and Auspicious Auspicious Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky. However, this joint name has not been recognized by all players. Some players think that Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf are more suitable for children to watch, so they have a prejudice against players who wear Pleasant Goat's Royal Clothes and ride Grey Wolf's mascot, thinking that they may be children. This bias has led some players to express their unwillingness to play games with players in Pleasant Royal Clothing.

Finally, let's talk about how to improve the growth of mounts. The growth of mounts can reach 2.3433 at most, which can be achieved in two ways. First of all, you can go to the Taoyuan Fairy House to increase the aura of the mount. When the aura reaches 6470 points, the growth of the mount will increase by an additional 1.0. The rest of the growth needs to use Fludan to improve. Some players' mounts can grow to 2.3433 with one Flu Pill, while others need two. Considering the cost of Fludan gift package, I suggest that when cultivating mounts, you should try to avoid choosing mounts whose initial growth is lower than 1.2933, so as to ensure that the final growth value reaches the ideal level.

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