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Xinjiang will hold the first China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum

09:51, June 15, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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The reporter learned from the press briefing of the first China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum held on the 14th that during the 8th China Asia Europe Expo, the first China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum will be held in Urumqi from June 26 to 27. So far, more than 20 foreign guests from 8 countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, have signed up to participate in the forum.

The first China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum, with the theme of "Responding to climate change and the impact of meteorological disasters to help build a community of shared future between China and Central Asia", consists of academic conferences, round tables and smart meteorological equipment exhibitions.

The theme of the academic conference is "cryosphere, drought and water resources research". Researcher Zhou Tianjun from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher Azamat Madibekov from the Institute of Geography and Water Security of Kazakhstan, and Researcher Amizoda Orif from the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan will give academic reports respectively.

The round table is themed "Regional meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, the third pole". Participants will discuss how to improve regional disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities, plan practical measures for regional implementation of the United Nations early warning initiative for all, and sign a new round of "Urumqi Initiative on Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and Climate Change Response".

The Smart Weather Equipment Exhibition takes Xinjiang's characteristic meteorological features as the core creative point, and comprehensively displays the development achievements of Xinjiang's meteorological departments in smart weather, scientific and technological innovation, disaster prevention and reduction, advanced equipment, talent gathering and talent introduction.

Zhang Yonggang, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Xinjiang Meteorological Administration, said that in the context of climate warming, China, especially Xinjiang, and Central Asian countries are facing extreme weather and climate events such as rainstorm, super cold wave, high temperature and snowmelt floods caused by them. It is urgent to strengthen cooperation and jointly respond.

With the proposal of jointly building the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Xinjiang Meteorological Administration has actively explored cooperation with the relevant departments of Central Asian countries. The Central Asia International Seminar on Meteorological Science and Technology (the predecessor of the China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum), which was held in October 2015, has been successfully held for seven times, and has achieved fruitful results through academic exchanges.

In addition, the Xinjiang Meteorological Administration has also built a meteorological service platform for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (Gwadar Port, Pakistan) to carry out weather forecast and early warning services for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor; A systematic study on the climate, hydrology and ecology of tree rings in Central Asia has been carried out, and new evidence of historical extreme drought events in Central Asia has been found.

The first China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum is expected to make breakthroughs in meteorological satellite remote sensing monitoring and data application, regional meteorological comprehensive observation capability and information sharing, and joint research and development of regional high-resolution numerical prediction models.

"We will take this forum as an opportunity to carry out closer cooperation with the relevant departments of Central Asian countries in meteorological data observation, meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, talent exchange and other aspects, actively explore the establishment of a regional joint prevention and consultation mechanism for major meteorological disasters, strive to build the first line of defense for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, and jointly benefit the people of the Belt and Road countries." Zhang Yonggang said.

The China Central Asia Meteorological Cooperation Forum is held every two years, and meteorological science and technology exchanges are carried out irregularly. (Xie Huibian)

(Editor in charge: Li Long, Han Ting)

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