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Xinjiang grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives will build inclusive financial service stations (points)

10:22, May 22, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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On the 21st, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Supply and Marketing Cooperative and Agricultural Bank of China Xinjiang Branch held a kick-off meeting in Urumqi to jointly build an inclusive financial service station (point). Twenty three county-level supply and marketing cooperatives in Xinjiang will first build inclusive financial service stations (points) in their township level supply and marketing cooperatives.

In order to better serve the agricultural and rural economic development, help rural revitalization, and promote digital inclusive finance to sink into the countryside, the supply and marketing cooperatives of the autonomous region and the Xinjiang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China will take the supply and marketing cooperatives covering villages and towns in Xinjiang as the carrier, equip financial machines, load financial services, and integrate multiple functions such as agricultural materials supply and financial services to jointly build inclusive financial service stations (points)

Zhang Yuxiang, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the council of the autonomous region supply and marketing cooperatives, said that the purpose of implementing the co construction of inclusive financial service stations (points) is to jointly create a new path of cooperation of "supply and marketing+finance+N", build a number of inclusive financial service stations (points) with a wide range of radiation, high service level and strong driving ability, and promote multi-level, wide coverage The construction of a sustainable inclusive financial system enables farmers to enjoy inclusive financial services at home.

The supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels in Xinjiang will give full play to the advantages of the grass-roots business service network, effectively complement business weaknesses, help Agricultural Bank of China Xinjiang Branch better sink services, provide various forms of rural financial products, innovate financial services in the supply chain of agricultural products, and constantly deepen the construction of a comprehensive cooperation mechanism for production, supply and marketing, credit, and consumption, Give full play to the role of supply and marketing cooperatives as the main force in rural revitalization.

It is understood that the two sides will first choose to build inclusive financial service stations (points) in township grassroots cooperatives with better industrial development, strong demand for financial services and better infrastructure. For village level supply and marketing integrated service cooperatives that meet the conditions, they will extend the construction of Huinongtong service points directly to villages and households. (Toya)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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