People's Network
People's Network

Create a "granary in the west" and let the "China bowl" be filled with more "Xinjiang grain"

People's Daily Online reporter Yang Rui
14:30, May 21, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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On May 21, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting high-quality development", which focused on "solidly promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Xinjiang with new achievements of high-quality development".

At the press conference.

Elkem Tunyazi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said at the meeting that relying on unique light, heat, water and soil resources, we should make overall plans for efficient utilization of water resources. Last year, the grain planting area in Xinjiang increased by 5.863 million mu, accounting for more than 60% of the national increase; The grain output was 42.38 billion jin, an increase of 6.11 billion jin, accounting for more than 30% of the national increase; The grain yield per unit area reached 1000 jin, and the increment of grain area and output ranked first in China for two consecutive years, and the grain yield per unit area ranked second in China. As a national high-quality cotton base, Xinjiang's total cotton output and unit yield have ranked first in China for 30 consecutive years. These not only stabilized Xinjiang people's jobs, but also made positive contributions to ensuring the supply security of national food and important agricultural products.

Elkem Tunyazi said that this year, we will strive to keep the total cotton output above 5 million tons and increase the grain output by at least another 2 billion jin, build a "granary in the west" and let the "China bowl" load more "Xinjiang grain".

(Editor in charge: Yang Rui, Han Ting)

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