People's Network
People's Network

Xinjiang: The most important thing is to let the people of all ethnic groups share the fruits of development

People's Daily Online reporter Yang Rui
May 21, 2024 14:29 | Source: People's Network
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On May 21, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting high-quality development", which focused on "solidly promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Xinjiang with new achievements of high-quality development".

At the press conference.

Not long ago, Xinjiang held a plenary session of the Party Committee of the autonomous region with the theme of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, clearly proposing that all work in Xinjiang's reform, development and stability should focus on this main line and obey the service line.

Xinjiang has always been close to the people's livelihood to promote high-quality development, not only focusing on the total amount and speed of development, but also focusing on solving the people's urgent problems; With the goal of enhancing recognition, we will carry out in-depth cultural development and promote the integration of excellent traditional Chinese culture into the work, study and life of people of all ethnic groups; We always regard national unity as the lifeline, and vigorously promote exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups. A number of touching stories of blood thicker than water and hand and foot dating emerged in the north and south of Tianshan.

"The most important thing is to let the people of all ethnic groups share the fruits of development, make the time pass better, and keep rallying." said Elkem Tunyazi, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

(Editor in charge: Yang Rui, Han Ting)

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