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Xinjiang held the first research forum on frontier technology of large model

May 15, 2024 09:43 | Source: xinjiang daily
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From May 11 to 12, the "Large Model Frontier Technology Research Forum" was held in Xinjiang Institute of Physical and Chemical Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is the first time that the forum was held in Xinjiang.

At the forum, well-known experts and scholars from home and abroad discussed the potential application value and challenges of large models in social science, natural science, engineering and other fields around the cutting-edge theory, research results and application cases of large model technology.

Yang Fengyi, Special Research Assistant of Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry, listened carefully to the event. He has just graduated and started work, and is currently engaged in research work related to large models.

"This is the first time to participate in such a high standard offline research forum, which is full of dry goods. Many of the experts' explanations coincide with our current research direction, giving me great inspiration." Yang Fengyi said.

Large models are an important development direction in the field of artificial intelligence. They can bring more advanced technologies to natural language processing, computer vision and other fields, promote the cross integration of artificial intelligence and other fields, and bring new opportunities and challenges to various industries.

As the undertaker, Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry has developed multilingual machine translation systems and intelligent text processing systems in the field of multilingual intelligence, which have been widely used in cultural publicity, e-government, education and teaching, after years of resource construction, scientific research accumulation and technical breakthrough.

Yang Yating, deputy director of the multilingual information technology research office of Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry, said that the Institute had carried out research on the multilingual model of "integrating Xinjiang and the road" for the multilingual scenes with Xinjiang characteristics, and had also achieved phased research results. The seminar entered Xinjiang in the hope of providing a platform for exchange among researchers in universities and research institutes, and jointly providing intellectual support for high-quality development in Xinjiang.

The reporter learned that in recent years, facing the construction of the core area of the "Belt and Road" in Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry has focused on the research work in the fields of multilingual intelligent information processing, big data processing and analysis, blockchain technology and application, and has built a scientific database of multilingual multimodal characteristics on a scale of 100 million.

Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry has focused on breaking through a series of key technologies such as multilingual machine translation, multilingual content understanding, multi-dimensional information automatic identification, and has formed a whole process systematic research, development, and implementation process integrating "technical breakthrough - system research and development - practical application".

The forum was attended by experts and scholars from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Renmin University of China, Peking University, Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Xinjiang University and other units. (Xie Huibian)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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