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Xinjiang's inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine stride forward

May 15, 2024 09:21 | Source: xinjiang daily
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Recently, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine announced 54 national experimental areas for the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, of which Urumqi and Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture are among them. This is a reflection of the remarkable achievements made by Xinjiang in deepening the comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine and improving the traditional Chinese medicine service system compatible with the development of Xinjiang.

Establish a high-quality and efficient TCM service system

"Auntie, do you usually have shortness of breath and can't breathe?" On May 13, with the help of the Chinese medicine physique identification instrument, Yu Meigu, chief physician of the Chinese medicine department of Yushugou Health Center in Changji City, made a health assessment for the elderly. Later, through TCM treatment, the elderly were prescribed medicine.

"From January to April this year, the hospital issued 402 Chinese herbal pieces, and the cost of Chinese herbal medicine was 47676.7 yuan, nearly double the same period last year." Yu Meigu said that Chinese medicine has significant effects on some common diseases in internal and external gynecology and pediatrics, and also has unique advantages in rehabilitation treatment, "We will regularly go to the village team to teach villagers some Chinese medicine massage techniques. Everyone is more and more recognized for the Chinese medicine culture, and more and more people come to the hospital for the first visit of Chinese medicine."

Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture has incorporated the development of traditional Chinese medicine into the "14th Five Year Plan" and the outline of the long-term goals for 2035. In the past three years, it has invested 2.029 billion yuan to implement a number of major projects for the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine, including the construction of key hospitals with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics in Changji Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the construction of ward buildings in Qitai County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Comprehensively improve the infrastructure conditions of weak links in TCM medical and health institutions. Up to now, Changji Prefecture has built two national key specialties and four autonomous region level key specialties, and its TCM service capacity in specialty field has been continuously improved. Through the construction of a close county medical community, the counterpart assistance of three-level Chinese medicine hospitals, and the "group" aid of medical talents to Xinjiang, the grass-roots Chinese medicine service will be more equitable, accessible, and convenient.

Zeng Binfang, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Health Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, introduced that, according to the arrangement and deployment of the Party Committee and the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Health Commission of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region issued the 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then issued a series of policies for the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine to promote the establishment of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, We will deepen the comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine, improve the service system of traditional Chinese medicine commensurate with the development of Xinjiang, expand the total amount of high-quality medical resources of traditional Chinese medicine, and accelerate the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Innovate and activate the new driving force for the development of TCM industry

On May 14, the comprehensive preparation workshop of Xinjiang Uygur Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was producing at full power. The star product of the company, Zukamu Granules, which sold more than 100 million yuan, was automatically boxed and packaged.

This year, the total flavone tablets of cotton flower that the company has obtained clinical approval will enter the phase III clinical trial stage. Tongzhi Surunjiang tablets are expected to be approved for listing this year, and everyone has been enthusiastic.

Xinjiang is rich in medicinal animals, plants, minerals and other traditional Chinese medicine resources, and the number of varieties ranks first in the country. In recent years, Xinjiang has strengthened the construction of scientific and technological innovation system of traditional Chinese medicine, improved the allocation of scientific and technological resources of traditional Chinese medicine, promoted the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine, and promoted the burst of strong vitality of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

As a leading enterprise of Xinjiang national medicine, Uighur Pharmaceutical has established R&D platforms in Urumqi, Wuhan and Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and spends 10% of its sales revenue on R&D and innovation every year to promote the transformation of scientific research achievements. "In recent years, the company has cooperated with a number of hospitals, and has successively obtained clinical approvals for nine varieties, and nine registration approvals in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and achieved marketing." Yin Hailong, vice president and chief engineer of Xinjiang Uygur Pharmaceutical, said that from January to March this year, the company achieved sales of 395 million yuan, up 8.5% year on year, The annual sales are expected to exceed 1.3 billion yuan.

Xinjiang has also strengthened the scientific research capacity building of preparations in hospitals of ethnic medical institutions, and supported the research of five characteristic preparations in hospitals, including anti-inflammatory Munizzi granules and compound Selby tablets. Promote the cultivation unit of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Center of the Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to carry out research on major diseases.

The Uygur Medical Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region focuses on the advantageous diseases of Uygur medicine, systematically carries out the whole chain innovation of evidence-based preparation, clinical evaluation, key technology, product transformation, promotion and demonstration, and builds an exemplary system for the preparation creation and transformation of advantageous diseases supported by high-quality evidence, intelligent platform, and characteristic products, It has been successively approved as the key laboratory for evidence-based and transformation of preparations in Xinjiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the autonomous region's research and development and quality control center for traditional Chinese medicine preparations, the autonomous region's research center for evidence-based medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, and the Xinjiang branch of the research platform for evidence-based medicine in traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong Province. The output value of preparations has doubled in three years, reaching more than 70 million yuan in 2023, and the achievement transformation has reached 30 million yuan.

Diversified development promotes the "going global" of traditional Chinese medicine

On May 14, two doctors from the China Uzbekistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, the fourth affiliated hospital of Xinjiang Medical University (the autonomous region Chinese medicine hospital), the third batch of medical teaching team, Shimameti and Xin Chunguang, explained in detail the clinical practice of traditional Chinese massage and Baduanjin, a traditional skill, to traditional medicine majors at Tashkent National Medical University in Uzbekistan.

In 2023, the Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was approved as the construction unit of the China Uzbekistan Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It established a "Chinese Medicine Technical Treatment and Training Center" in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and was approved as the medical operation qualification issued by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. It provides Chinese medicine services for local people and provides training for local doctors in external treatment of Chinese medicine. In July of the same year, the hospital and the National Center for Trauma Orthopaedics and Orthopaedics Medical Sciences of Uzbekistan jointly set up a TCM clinic, setting a precedent for cooperation between China and Uzbekistan in TCM.

Chinese medicine "going out" depends on strength and efficacy.

In October 2023, the Chinese medicine hospital of the autonomous region and the Tashkent National Medical University of Uzbekistan jointly set up a Chinese medicine course, which was officially incorporated into the higher medical education system of Uzbekistan, setting a precedent for international medical education cooperation among Central Asian countries.

"At present, we are working with Tashkent National Medical University to compile the textbook of Concise Traditional Chinese Medicine." Han Rong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University (the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the Autonomous Region), said that this year, a 20 person Uzbek master's class will be launched to study traditional Chinese medicine technology in Xinjiang for three years, And "3+2" talent training plan. At the same time, in accordance with the cooperation agreement, we will help Uzbekistan establish national standards for technical certification and standardized training of traditional medicine.

Establish a lifelong education system for TCM talents

Li Qianru, who graduated from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University, currently works in the Health Center of Tarim Township, Yuli County.

"When our Chinese medicine museum was first built, there was a lack of licensed doctors, so we had to rely on the Chinese medicine of the county medical community for temporary treatment." Li Qianru arrived to treat patients on a syndrome differentiation basis, starting with acupuncture and cupping, which were the most popular among patients, together with Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine packaging. After seeing the effect, more and more people came to see her. Today, the TCM hospital has expanded from one room to six rooms, and the number of patients has increased from 2 to 3 per day at the beginning to 30 to 40 in the slack season.

Li Qianru is just one of many talents trained by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University.

To promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine and speed up personnel training is the key.

At present, Xinjiang has established a comprehensive and systematic talent training system from junior college to doctor.

As the cradle and main force of Xinjiang traditional Chinese medicine talent cultivation, the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University has set up six majors, three first level disciplines, two doctoral degree authorization points and five master's degree authorization points. More than 15690 college, undergraduate, master and doctoral graduates have been trained; We have created 1 master of Chinese medicine, 4 national famous Chinese doctors, 1 Qihuang scholar, 1 young Qihuang scholar, 1 national famous teacher of higher education of Chinese medicine, and 10 national famous teachers of academic experience inheritance of Chinese medicine.

In order to ensure that Xinjiang's grass-roots TCM talent team has successors, Xinjiang has established a lifelong education system for TCM talents that organically links the three stages of college education, post graduation education, and continuing education, with teacher education throughout.

Deng Deqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Urumqi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gathered the strengths of all families to create the method of cultivating earth to promote blood circulation and detoxification, and the method of cultivating earth to remove dampness and promote blood circulation to treat diabetes, and promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. In 2022, Deng Deqiang was identified as the instructor of the inheritance studio of famous old TCM experts at the autonomous region level.

In addition to taking our disciples, Deng Deqiang is also actively preparing to build a branch station of the inheritance studio in local (prefecture and city) areas, where he will take regular visits and carry out clinical teaching. Under his guidance, the hospital level project "Application of Xuelian Yishen Recipe in Diabetic Nephropathy" of the disciples of Karamay Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital (Karamay People's Hospital) was successfully approved and passed the acceptance.

This year, Xinjiang will implement the project of cultivating talents with Chinese medicine characteristics (Qihuang Project), launch the construction of inheritance studios for old medicine workers, strengthen the construction of inheritance studios for famous Chinese medicine, famous old experts, Qihuang scholars, etc., and promote the implementation of projects such as the training of backbone talents with Chinese medicine characteristics and technology inheritance, and backbone talents of TCM museums. (Su Luping)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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