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Wonderful Liantai Wenrun Tianshan North and South

——Closing Observation of the Second Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival

09:33, May 13, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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The seven colors cast the same heart, and the Tianshan Mountains compose a splendid chapter. On May 12, the second Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival ended successfully after 17 days of excellence and enthusiasm.

This festival has gathered more than 50 excellent plays and 534 fine works of art. 769 cultural activities have been carried out in Xinjiang. Nearly 1 million people have visited theaters, art galleries, squares, communities and parks to share the audio-visual feast. Culture and art blossom in a hundred flowers. Educating people with beauty and culture, spring rains, moistening things silently, and warming the spiritual world of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, It stirs up people's cultural confidence.

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The beauty of multiculturalism

On the evening of April 26, with Guan Wenrong, the permanent conductor of the Xinjiang Art Theatre Orchestra (Xinjiang Philharmonic Orchestra), gently tapping his baton, the music of "Happy Festivals" slowly began to ring, and the opening ceremony performance and symphony concert "Xinjiang Night" opened the grand curtain of this art feast.

"A glass of good wine" reflects the boldness of herdsmen and the fragrance of grasslands, and the melody of "Remembering the comrades in arms" is melancholy and heroic... This concert gave me a taste of Xinjiang's colorful humanity, "said audience Zhao Xiaolin.

The symphony concert "Night of Xinjiang" shows the innovative integration of symphony and folk instrumental music performance; The song and dance drama "Four generations of feelings of a bucket of highland barley" presents a happy song under the background of "national unity and family affinity"; The acrobatic drama "Meng Mu San Qian" is a successful example of the modern creation of traditional folk stories... Artists from all over Xinjiang are demonstrating the artistic boutiques of different ethnic elements, different artistic concepts and different creative styles at the Cultural Arts Festival, showing the charm of the hometown of singing and dancing.

On the evening of April 28, accompanied by the joyful Mai Xirepu, the performers of Muqam Art Troupe of Xinjiang Art Theater were reluctant to take a curtain call in the warm applause of nearly 700 audiences for more than 10 minutes. "The loud and distant singing sounds, like the cry of life coming from the depths of the earth, hit me at once." The audience, Patiguli Maimaiti, said that the whole performance was rich, full of style, passionate and unrestrained. It combined Turpan Mukam, Hami Mukam, Daolang Mukam, and so on, and fully demonstrated the artistic charm of Xinjiang songs, dances, and music.

From April 26 to May 12, the series of exhibitions in Xinjiang Art Museum attracted many visitors to clock in. As an important part of the Culture and Arts Festival, these exhibitions actively sing the song of innovation in the new era, carefully selected a number of excellent works, comprehensively, from multiple angles, and stereoscopically present the latest achievements in the field of contemporary Xinjiang art, and show the harmonious and happy life of people of all ethnic groups. The "Language of Spring" art exhibition vividly depicts Xinjiang's local customs and magnificent natural scenery; "Children's Painting, Dream Building, Embracing Spring" excellent children's painting exhibition gathers children's pure imagination and creativity; "Living together and growing together" - Xinjiang designers' special exhibition of local cultural creation shows creativity through the design art language... "These exhibitions are all inclusive, gathering the beauty of Chinese history, mountains and rivers, and culture. In 17 days, they attracted more than 60000 people to watch the exhibition." Liu Shiqing, director of the Xinjiang Art Museum, said.

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Promote Chinese cultural identity

"After crossing the Gobi and desert, through hardships and frustrations, I never admit defeat in the face of the people's choice." On the background screen of the stage, the sand painting work slowly presents the image of the hero Liu Hu... On May 8, the musical "Great Love without Regret", adapted from the true deeds of the national poverty alleviation model, the national outstanding Communist Party member, and the national moral model Liu Hu, was staged in Xinjiang Art Theater.

"This play is the first original musical in Jiashi County, and it took three years to meet the audience." Zou Zhangguo, the chief director of the play and head of the Jiashi County Song and Dance Troupe, said that in this hot land of Xinjiang, there are many party members and cadres like Liu Hu who have rooted in the grassroots, dedicated to the grassroots, and spread love on the grassroots. They intertwined with each other to form the beauty of love and belief in the country.

In recent years, Xinjiang writers and artists have firmly established a sense of quality, and created a number of outstanding literary and artistic works that correctly reflect the history of Xinjiang, have Chinese cultural heritage, integrate modern civilization, and are popular with the masses. Original musical and dance drama "Happy Golden Train", national orchestral music "The Silk Road paved by music" and other plays simultaneously present the spiritual logo and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, and show the charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

On May 10, the children's play Tang Tong, created by the Children's Art Troupe of Urumqi Art Theater, was staged. The small audience, Difila Abdullah, followed the actors' performance and completed a journey through a volume of naughty homework 1300 years ago, feeling the family and country feelings of ancient border guards. "This play skillfully uses the carrier of Bu Tianshou's The Analects of Confucius Zheng Xuan's Note to enhance the recognition of the people of all ethnic groups to the culture of the Central Plains." Ren Liqing, the head of the troupe, said that Tang Tong fully demonstrated that the land of Xinjiang has always been connected with the great China in history, humanities and roots.

The creation of literary and artistic works cannot be separated from the nourishment of real life. Literature and art workers of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang seek creative highlights in the real life of grassroots people by carrying out cultural benefit activities such as theme creation and "Our Chinese Dream" - culture into thousands of families. The song and dance drama "Four generations of feelings of a bucket of highland barley", adapted from the true story, is one of the representatives. Liu Nengyi, the director of the play, said that the story of national unity between "Zhang Pangui" and "Nurhassen" in the play because of a bucket of highland barley for generations deeply affected the creators and touched countless audiences.

Innovation carrier

Let the masses participate widely

The dynamic and fashionable disco, the silky break dance, and the innovative and integrated national style street dance... On May 1, the show of "Dazzling Tianshan · Flying Youth" youth street dance across Xinjiang was staged, and various styles of dance took turns. Young people used dance friends, dance to communicate, dance to get together, and use youth dance steps to dance out the enthusiasm of the new generation and the boldness of the times.

Sun Lu'an, a dance lover from Xi'an, took pictures of many dance segments with his mobile phone and planned to go back to study slowly. "I happened to be visiting relatives in Urumqi during the May Day holiday. I heard about a hip-hop show and came to the scene to exchange and study."

During the Culture and Arts Festival, the youth art creation experience sharing meeting, art lecture hall, one play and one evaluation and other supporting activities were carried out in the south and north of Tianshan, and the people of all ethnic groups were no longer satisfied with watching on the stage, but went to the battle in person, from "admirers" to "participants".

As the opening ceremony performance, the symphonic concert "Night of Xinjiang" has attracted much attention. Among them, the male chorus from the Art Troupe of Urumqi Municipal Education Bureau was praised by the audience. The choir is composed of young male teachers from many primary and secondary schools. For seven years, they have used weekends and spare time to arrange songs, rehearse and perform. "Last year, we were still spectators at the first culture and art festival, but we didn't expect to perform on the stage this year," said Wang Tieniu, the head of the choir.

Not only the art troupes at the autonomous region level, but also the art troupes and volunteers at the prefecture and city level in Xinjiang have also become the protagonists on the stage with the deepening of cultural aid to Xinjiang, creating a series of excellent works: in Ruoqiang County, the members of the Loulan Art Troupe performed the women's group dance "Dancing Loulan", the scenery dance "Silk Road" and other characteristic programs; In Shawan City, literary and artistic volunteers participated in the creation and performance of a drama "The Story of Big Plate Chicken", which is full of color, fragrance and taste

In the "Light Without Borders" digital animation special exhibition displayed in Xinjiang Art Museum, tourists have participated in virtual reality and AIGC interaction. Tourist Zhao Hanlu simply drew several triangles and rectangles on the big screen. A few seconds later, a picture of coconut trees and beaches full of summer style suddenly appeared on the screen. "It's amazing to experience AI painting for the first time."

"Both the design exhibition and the animation exhibition are the first time to appear in the Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival. In addition, the selected performance works of various prefectures and cities adopt the 'Internet+Performance' mode, and through the opening of the 'Xinjiang Cloud Theater', the online live broadcast will be carried out in conjunction with local financial media, so that more people can participate in it." Yao Tao, director of the art department of the Autonomous Region Culture and Tourism Department, introduced, Xinjiang will also prepare for the fourth Xinjiang International Art Biennale, the 8th China Eurasia Expo "Chinese and Foreign Culture Exhibition Week", the first China (Xinjiang) folk art season, the "Silk Road Song Festival" and other large-scale cultural and artistic activities, organize music, dance, poetry and painting "Lift Your Head - Xinjiang is a good place" to tour at home and abroad, and promote Xinjiang culture to the world, Tell the stories of Xinjiang, China, with heart and emotion, and strive to promote the high-quality development of Xinjiang's culture and art. (Liu Mengmeng)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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