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Why New Energy Vehicles Are Hot in Xinjiang Market

09:19, May 13, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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Recently, Guo Qi, a citizen of Urumqi, drove the newly purchased "Equation Leopard" brand car to travel with his family.

"This car almost meets all my car needs, and its intelligence makes driving easier." Guo Qi said that its appearance is a handsome "square box" hard style, and its interior is comfortable and luxurious, which is very suitable for self driving.

Looking north and south of Tianshan, BYD, Tesla, Ideal, Weilai, Landu and other brand new energy vehicles can be found everywhere in various cities. Many consumers who once held a "wait-and-see" attitude have now acquired intelligent new energy vehicles.

Statistics show that in the first quarter of this year, the retail sales of new energy vehicles in Xinjiang increased 2.2 times year-on-year, showing a strong growth momentum.

The sales volume of the first Urumqi International Automobile Exhibition and the 12th "May Day" International Automobile Exhibition is expected to be 1.76 billion yuan, and new energy automobile products are blooming, becoming the focus of the automobile exhibition.

Wei Yaming, the general manager of Urumqi Junqing Automobile Sales Co., Ltd., said that the company's best-selling car at this auto show is a pure electric off-road vehicle. Not only the appearance and color can be independently selected, but also the interior can be independently selected, which is very popular with young people.

The "increasing program" and "plug-in" have largely alleviated the "mileage anxiety" of consumers in Xinjiang. With the increase of the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, the automotive market pattern is also changing. "Intelligence" seems to be the standard configuration of vehicles, accelerating the conversion of new and old drivers.

Recently, 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce jointly released the Action Plan for Promoting the Trade in of Consumer Goods. The wide consumption space created by car trade in provides fertile ground for the development of the new energy vehicle industry chain. GAC Trumpchi, which invested in Urumqi, sold 1249 vehicles throughout Xinjiang in the first quarter, of which new energy series accounted for 17.29%.

Luo Haitian, general manager of GAC Passenger Vehicle Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Branch, said that the company is transforming, constantly introducing new energy products, and developing towards low-carbon and green. At the same time, it will focus on the electrification, intelligence, networking and sharing of automobiles, strive to launch more "hard core products", link the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain for collaborative innovation and integrated development, and move forward to the high-end field of the automotive industry chain.

With the booming supply and demand of new energy vehicles, Xinjiang has accelerated the construction of charging and changing infrastructure, which has solved the "worries" of new energy vehicle consumers.

According to the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Urumqi from 2023 to 2025, Urumqi will add a large number of public charging facilities and personal charging facilities within two years to meet the growing demand for charging.

PetroChina Xinjiang Sales Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Xinjiang Branch are speeding up the installation layout of charging piles to meet the new consumption demand. Up to now, PetroChina Xinjiang Sales Co., Ltd. has built 65 charging stations and Sinopec Xinjiang Petroleum Branch has built 32 charging stations.

Xinjiang has also actively promoted the orderly extension of the urban charging and changing network from the central urban area to the edge of the city and from the priority development area to other areas. In March this year, the first new energy vehicle power station in southern Xinjiang was put into operation in Aksu City. The power exchange station can replace the whole set of charged batteries through automatic operation, and can rapidly change power in 20 seconds, which can meet the demand of 900 to 1000 power changes per day for 400 vehicles.

"My car is purely electric. I can change the full power supply in less than half a minute by sitting in the car, which saves time and labor," said Zhang Yongping, a citizen of Aksu.

Industry experts said that with the continuous improvement of the charging and changing infrastructure, Xinjiang's new energy vehicle market will usher in a broader development space.

Reporters' speeches

From hesitation to recognition, in recent years, new energy vehicles have "captured" many consumers in Xinjiang with their fast starting speed, intelligent on-board systems, low use costs, etc.

Due to the low winter temperature in many regions of Xinjiang, local consumers in the past were "deterred" from new energy vehicles. Now, with the improvement of the coverage of public charging and changing facilities in the region, the continuous progress of new energy vehicle technology, the increase of endurance mileage, and the gradual improvement of performance, coupled with the continuous promotion of the state's old for new subsidies, tax exemptions and other policies, more and more Xinjiang consumers have begun to prefer new energy vehicles. The market share of new energy vehicles in Xinjiang has risen sharply.

Moreover, the demand for new energy vehicles in Central Asia, which is adjacent to Xinjiang, China, is also growing. Some domestic automobile enterprises have begun to set up factories in Xinjiang, relying on the regional advantages of Xinjiang to develop the new energy automobile market in Central Asia. Xinjiang's new energy vehicle industry has a broad prospect. (Hei Hongwei)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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