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Over 450 million people participated in the second Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival online and offline

09:06, May 13, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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Singing, dancing, strings, flutes, Wanfang music. On December 12, the second Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival with the theme of "Seven Colours Cast One Heart" closed in Xinjiang Art Theater.

This Xinjiang Culture and Art Festival is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Region. The main venue is located in Urumqi, and each prefecture and city has its own sub venues. During the event, 769 performances, exhibitions and mass cultural activities were held, bringing together 534 fine art works and more than 50 excellent creative plays, attracting nearly 1 million offline audiences to participate in the interaction, and more than 450 million people gathered in the cloud to share the cultural audio-visual feast.

During the Cultural Arts Festival, 37 excellent performances and performances were arranged in the main venue, and 132 performances were arranged in the branch venue, with 118000 people entering the theater. More than 80 live broadcast accounts went online, and the number of visitors exceeded 50 million. More than 500 mass cultural activities including "Colorful Spring Charm · Fashion Xinjiang" fashion show, "Dazzling Dance Tianshan · Flying Youth" Xinjiang youth hip-hop show attracted 7.1 million online and offline viewers.

On the scene of the closing ceremony, the sponsor issued various awards such as excellent organization award, excellent repertoire award, and nearly 1000 people from all ethnic groups watched the closing ceremony performance - "I sing Xinjiang to you" pop music festival. Chen Ziwen, Tuhongjiang, An Mingliang, Gaga and other singers performed Take You Off, Starry Sky, Your Story and My Song for the audience "Skiing in Xinjiang in Winter" and many other excellent original songs.

"This cultural and art festival is a demonstration of the high-quality development achievements of the region's culture and art in the new era, a festival for people of all ethnic groups to build and share, learn and enjoy together, and a successful practice to lead the culture and art trend and build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, which will further prosperity and development of the region's literary and art cause and cultural industry, promote and display the good image of Xinjiang's harmony and happiness, and boost people of all ethnic groups It is of great significance for the people to develop confidence and tell a good story about Xinjiang. " Yao Tao, head of the art department of the autonomous region's Department of Culture and Tourism, said. (Liu Mengmeng)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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