People's Network
People's Network

Military and civilian joint efforts to combat illegal fund-raising

May 10, 2024 11:57 | Source: People's Network
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Urumqi, People's Daily Online, May 10 A few days ago, Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps held a mobilization and deployment meeting to jointly combat illegal fund-raising and a 2024 work conference on prevention and disposal of illegal fund-raising. The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the Autonomous Region jointly organized a special action to combat illegal fund-raising from May 2024 to December 2025, to prevent and resolve the risk of illegal fund-raising, and to fully safeguard Xinjiang's financial security and social stability.

Since last year, the XPCC has maintained a high pressure and severe attack on illegal fund-raising, focused on source prevention and comprehensive treatment, strengthened monitoring and early warning, continued to consolidate the results of publicity and education, continued to improve the quality and efficiency of prevention and disposal of illegal fund-raising, and achieved the "double drop" of new illegal fund-raising and stock cases.

It is understood that this special action will strengthen central local cooperation, military local cooperation, departmental linkage, and cross regional cooperation, focus on key areas, key cases, and key areas, do a good job in risk screening, combating and handling, regulating, establishing rules and regulations, and promoting education, fully tap a number of problem clues, find a number of potential risks early, and effectively handle a number of major cases, We will resolutely punish a number of lawbreakers and help the masses recover their economic losses; Through carrying out a variety of publicity and education activities, we exposed the criminal methods of illegal fund-raising, strengthened investor education, and improved the people's awareness and ability to prevent.

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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