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Implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee

Do a good job in all aspects of work safety to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and social stability

Ma Xingrui went to the Emergency Management Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to investigate and guide video conferences throughout Xinjiang to make specific arrangements

10:07, May 4, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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After General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important instruction on the collapse disaster of Chayang section of Meizhou Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province on May 2, and Premier Li Qiang gave instructions, the Party Committee and the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region attached great importance to it and implemented it quickly, and arranged to strengthen work safety in Xinjiang. Ma Xingrui, the secretary of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, visited the emergency management office of the autonomous region on the evening of the 2nd to conduct research, guide and urge all departments around the region to resolutely implement the deployment requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and unswervingly focus on work safety. On the morning of the 3rd, the autonomous region held a special video conference to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, implement the spirit of Premier Li Qiang's instructions and the requirements of the emergency notice issued by the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council, carefully arrange and deploy the emergency management and work safety work of the whole region, and promote all local departments to strengthen work safety and prevent and resolve potential risks with a sense of responsibility of "always at ease", To ensure the stability of work safety in Xinjiang, the safety of life and property of all ethnic groups and the overall social stability.

At the emergency management office of the autonomous region, Ma Xingrui listened to the introduction of work safety of the emergency management system of the whole region, observed the real-time supervision of work safety, and had in-depth exchanges with relevant responsible comrades. He stressed that the collapse of the Chayang section of Meizhou Dalian Expressway in Meizhou, Guangdong, caused heavy casualties, which was distressing and alarming. All local departments should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, thoroughly implement the work deployment of the State Council, deeply learn from disasters, and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of preventing and resolving major security risks. We should strictly implement the principle of "the Party and the government share the same responsibility and one post has two responsibilities", strengthen the responsibilities of all parties, such as territories, departments and enterprises, focus on coal mine production, road traffic and other fields, comprehensively and thoroughly investigate the potential safety hazards in all industries, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of key places, disaster prone areas, meteorology, water conditions and other aspects, implement various safety precautions, and resolutely prevent and contain major accidents. We should earnestly maintain the overall social stability, strengthen social governance at the grass-roots level, and create a stable and orderly environment for the people of all ethnic groups to celebrate the festival safely and high-quality economic and social development.

Yusufujiang Maimaiti, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and vice chairman of the Autonomous Region, attended the video conference and delivered a speech. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to resolutely implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, follow the work arrangement of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, clearly understand the severe and complex situation faced by Xinjiang's production safety, and do all work well with the most stringent requirements and practical measures. Comprehensively carry out troubleshooting and rectification of hidden dangers, strengthen patrol inspection of high-risk sections and roads at night, and ensure road traffic safety; We will spare no effort to prevent earthquake, snowmelt flood, heavy rainfall, mountain torrents, debris flow and other disaster risks; Intensive efforts will be made to deal with hidden dangers of fire safety, and people's fire safety will be resolutely guarded; Focus on hazardous chemicals, building construction, mines, urban gas, large-scale mass activities and other fields, fully implement safety production protection measures, strengthen safety inspection of various tourism enterprises, scenic spots, facilities, tourism vehicles and other tourism facilities during the festival, and effectively improve the intrinsic safety level.

The vice chairman of the autonomous region, Maierdan Mulgaiti, made specific arrangements on the safety precautions in the areas of road traffic, mining, fire protection, hazardous chemicals, construction, gas, tourism, natural disasters, etc. Comrades in charge of the Department of Transport, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Emergency Management, the Department of Culture and Tourism, the Department of Water Resources and Xinjiang Communications Investment Group made exchange speeches. Comrades in charge of relevant member units of the Safety Committee of the Autonomous Region and persons in charge of relevant enterprises attended the meeting at the main venue. The meeting will be held in all prefectures, cities, counties and cities. (Wang Xingrui)

(Editor in charge: Han Ting, Yang Rui)

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