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It has "exploded" again, which is the third time for Yonyou WeChat group

10:32, April 28, 2024 | Source: xinjiang daily
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At 21:09 on April 24, the eleventh batch of "2023 Aid Friends Group" of cadres and talents from the central government, state organs and central enterprises helping Xinjiang suddenly appeared a message asking for help: "Help friends, you need help in an emergency! A student from the wind gathering team of the Central Academy of Fine Arts has suffered from altitude sickness in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County. The girl has had a fever of 40 ℃ for a day and can't get rid of it. Now, the doctor of the People's Hospital of the county suggests that she be transferred to Kashgar immediately. At present, the hospital can't send emergency vehicles. To ensure the safety of the students, can we negotiate with the hospital to try to send the students to Kashgar for medical treatment as soon as possible. It's urgent! "

Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County is the only plateau county in Xinjiang, with an average altitude of more than 4000 meters. The student who suddenly fell ill, Xiao Zhao, has just turned 18 years old. His hometown is Henan, and he has no relatives in Xinjiang. High altitude reaction plus high fever may endanger life if not treated in time. When Li Zhen, a Xinjiang aid cadre of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Urumqi, learned of it, he quickly asked for help from friends.

The WeChat group of 500 people was immediately "lit up", and the aid friends unanimously said: "Xiao Zhao must be saved!"

Online and offline linkage makes rescue race against time. At 21:12, Zhu Yong, a Xinjiang aid cadre from the Organization Department of the Central Committee, took the lead in replying to the group, saying that he had contacted his Kashgar aid friend who was on business in Beijing and Wang Li, a Xinjiang aid cadre from the Organization Department of the Central Committee, who initially explained the situation and requested immediate support. At the same time, Wu Yasong, a medical expert from the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention who worked in Kashgar, also joined in the rescue coordination work.

At 21:17, with Zhu Yong, Wang Li, Wu Yasong, Li Zhen and the teachers of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Wind Gathering Group as the main members, a rescue team connecting Beijing, Urumqi, Kashgar and Tashkurgan was established. They quickly sorted out the three core problems faced by the rescue work: the lack of transfer ambulances; Whether there are appropriate medical resources in Kashgar for immediate treatment; The journey from Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County People's Hospital to Kashgar Hospital is hundreds of kilometers. How to control the risk during the transit?

In order to realize the transportation as soon as possible, it is the best plan to coordinate ambulances from the People's Hospital of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County nearby. Zhu Yong communicated with the headquarters in front of the counterpart support unit of the People's Hospital of the county, Shenzhen, for Xinjiang, and received strong support from the headquarters. At the same time, Wang Li and Wu Yasong made every effort to coordinate all kinds of medical resources that Kashneng put into treatment at the first time.

As time went by, the hearts of our friends became tighter and tighter. At this time, a group of aid friends from the medical field, such as Yang Congshan, a doctor who helped Xinjiang in the Affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, Li Jinliang, a doctor who helped Xinjiang in the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Yuan Mingjie, a doctor who helped Xinjiang in the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, and Li Chunli, a doctor who helped Xinjiang in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, invested in online rescue. After understanding Xiao Zhao's real-time condition, they gave professional suggestions on a series of important issues such as rescue direction, transportation and possible risks during treatment on WeChat group:

"Transport to low altitude areas quickly." "Continue to breathe oxygen, physically cool down, and use antipyretic drugs to maintain electrolyte stability." "Pay attention to brain protection." "Pay attention to the monitor during transport, and increase oxygen inhalation when necessary to maintain oxygen saturation of more than 90%." These suggestions have become the ballast stone to promote rescue coordination "busy but not chaotic".

At 21:50, the transport ambulance was ready. The People's Hospital of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County sent a doctor on board to ensure the whole transport process. The First People's Hospital of Kashgar Prefecture also made preparations for rescue and treatment.

In the night, the ambulance passed through the mountains and rivers of the Pamirs and sped to Kashgar. Many aid friends watched the WeChat group and waited for news without sleepiness.

At 2:00 a.m. on the 25th, Xiao Zhao successfully entered the First People's Hospital of Kashgar for treatment, and soon was out of danger.

When the news came, the aid friends in WeChat group were boiling. Everyone congratulated and saluted each other excitedly, as if their children had escaped safely. They were too excited to sleep.

This is the third time that the "2023 Friend Group" has become so popular.

The "2023 Friendly Aid Group" was built on July 17 last year. It is full of 500 people, all of whom are the eleventh batch of cadres and talents from the central government, state organs and central enterprises to help Xinjiang. On the same day, everyone gathered in Beijing and prepared to fly to Xinjiang the next day to start the work of assisting Xinjiang. Friends are busy with their work. Usually, the group is not active. Many people only "dive" without speaking, but this time and the previous two times are exceptional.

The last time the group "exploded" was after the Wushi earthquake. At 2:09 on January 23 this year, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in Wushi County, which was strongly felt in Aksu, Kashi, Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture and some other places in Urumqi. When a friend asked on the WeChat group whether there was an earthquake, the WeChat group was immediately activated in the early morning, and the messages in the group kept swiping the screen. Everyone asked about the situation one after another, and expressed worried about the aid friends in Aksu, Kashgar, and Kezhou who were not far from the epicenter. They communicated intensively and thought about good strategies to support the disaster area.

The first time to "explode" WeChat group was late at night on January 15 this year. Yin Jun, a Xinjiang aid cadre of the National Energy Administration working in Burqin County, sent a letter to the group. At that time, Burqin County was hit by heavy snow, Kanas Scenic Area was closed, and thousands of tourists were stranded. Yin Jun asked for help urgently, hoping that the aid friends could help Burqin County fight against the snow disaster. After reading the letter, the WeChat group kept hearing news all night, and everyone comforted Yin Jun and tried to help Burqin County.

The WeChat group of Aid Friends has "exploded" three times. Each time, it was triggered by the enthusiasm of cadres and talents who helped Xinjiang, but also by the deep feelings for the land of Xinjiang.

At 14:00 on April 26, Xiao Zhao was discharged from hospital. The "2023 Friend Group" was again drowned by cheers. (Xiao Chunfei, Jie Wenjin)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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