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First quarter economic situation observation series (middle)

Xinjiang Releases the Potential of Energy Resources and Builds the "Four Beams and Eight Pillars" of High Quality Development

Tang Xiaoyong and Han Ting
10:24, April 22, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online Xinjiang Channel
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Editor's note: steady and good, warm gradually. In the first quarter of the year, Xinjiang's economy started at a high level, showing strong resilience and vitality, and ushered in a "good start" for the quarter - the country's first foreign trade growth rate, the rapid growth of industrial production, the continuous recovery of market consumption, and the strong recovery of the tourism industry, making Xinjiang's contribution to stabilizing the national economy. People's Daily launched a series of reports on the "first quarter economic situation observation" to objectively reflect the current economic development in Xinjiang and touch the new economic pulse. Stay tuned.

In the Junggar Basin, excavators wave their arms and continuously excavate coal; In the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, drilling rigs roared, and oil men marched into the ultra deep layer and drilled out the "underground Mount Everest"... Energy is the food of industry and the lifeblood of national economy development. In the first quarter of 2023, coal production and sales in Xinjiang will be booming, oil and gas reserves will increase steadily, new energy projects will accelerate in an all-round way, and economic development in the north and south of Tianshan will enter the "fast lane".

Since the beginning of this year, Xinjiang has strengthened top-level design, effectively unleashed the potential of energy resources, and achieved remarkable results in the first quarter. The construction of "three bases and one channel" has been comprehensively accelerated. Energy resources and industrial advantages have been further exerted, and the "four beams and eight pillars" of high-quality energy development have basically taken shape.

Stabilizing the "Dingpanxing", Xinjiang's coal export volume hit a new high in the first quarter of this year

On March 28, in the loop line from North Uzbekistan to Jiangjunmiao Railway, the locomotive pulled an empty train slowly, and the automatic filling system quickly injected coal into the open top box of the train, which filled a special coal train in an hour and a half.

Xinjiang is rich in coal energy resources. With the transformation of Urumqi Xinjiang railway from single line to double line and the electrification of the whole line, the transportation capacity of this large coal transportation channel has been more released, and the "Xinjiang coal transportation" has run out of "acceleration". In the first three months of 2023, the outbound transportation volume of Xinjiang coal by Xinjiang Railway will reach 14.2595 million tons, up 21.1% year on year.

"We seized the opportunity to expand the capacity of Urumqi Jiangmen Railway, and increased the efforts to transport Xinjiang coal abroad. This year, we added 12 stations including Yongchuan of Chengdu Railway Bureau, East Ankang and Qianhe of Xi'an Railway Bureau, Shuangzhai of Qinghai Tibet Railway Company, and radiated many customers from Hexi Corridor, Chengdu Kunming, Qinghai and other directions." said Ding Zaixing, deputy general manager of TBEA Xinjiang Tianchi Energy Co., Ltd.

The Urumqi Xinjiang Railway Tianchi Energy Loop Line is used for coal transportation. Photographed by Di Peng

Coal transportation is the "ballast" for energy supply assurance. From the perspective of coal transportation trend, from January to February this year, the demand for heating, lighting, etc. is strong, and the volume of coal transportation for power generation is large; In March, the climate became warmer, and the production coal of enterprises became the focus. At Wujiang Jiangyuan Railway and Hongnao Railway, the trains transporting coal out of Xinjiang are non-stop day and night.

Zhundong is one of the four modern coal chemical industry demonstration zones in China. Relying on the planning and construction of Zhundong coal field, Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone is a large-scale demonstration zone for coal, electricity, coal and chemical industry in Xinjiang. In January 2022, Ma Xingrui, the secretary of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, stressed that the development of coal power and coal chemical industry should be planned systematically and scientifically when he investigated Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone.

At present, in Xinjiang Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone, the coal mine openings present a busy scene of coal mining. In the high coal transport corridors, a continuous stream of coal is transported by train to ensure supply, or into modern coal chemical workshops to achieve appreciation.

"Xinjiang has complete coal types, good storage conditions and low mining costs. The development of coal chemical industry has unique resource advantages. By extending the industrial chain, accelerating the development of coal, coal, electricity and coal chemical industry clusters plays an important role in stimulating industrial economic growth," said Liu Lang, secretary of the Party Committee and professor of the School of Chemical Engineering of Xinjiang University.

In recent years, while focusing on resource advantages and increasing the delivery of coal, Xinjiang has actively explored and outlined the new map of coal chemical industry development based on "coal", initially established a coal chemical industry development cluster area dominated by Zhundong, Tuha, Yili, etc., and a modern coal chemical industry development pattern dominated by coal to natural gas, coal to olefins, and coal classification and quality utilization.

In Xinjiang's economic structure, energy resources play a leading role, and coal can be called the "fixed star" of Xinjiang's industrial economy. At present, Xinjiang's coal production and marketing are accelerating to integrate into the national unified market, driving the transformation of resource advantages into economic advantages. As Xinjiang accelerates the construction of a modern industrial system supported by "eight industries", the coal chemical industry with clean and efficient utilization of coal as the core has entered the "fast lane" of development.

Scientific innovation deeply digs productivity and releases oil and gas development potential

In the first quarter, the oil and gas output of Tarim Oilfield reached 9.27 million tons, an increase of 150000 tons on a year-on-year basis. The average daily oil and gas output exceeded 100000 tons and remained at a high level, achieving a "good start" in the first quarter.

At the same time, one breakthrough and three discoveries were made in oil and gas exploration. We successfully drilled the deepest oil and gas horizontal well in Asia, Gole 3C, 9396m deep, which officially entered a new stage of 9000m drilling capacity. The first centralized external photovoltaic project was successfully connected to the grid at one time.

On March 18, Ma Xingrui, the secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and Elkem Tunyazi, the chairman of the Autonomous Region, went to the Aksu region for research, went deep into the hinterland of the desert to learn about the development of oil and gas field production and related industries, and proposed to focus on improving oil and gas processing technology and capacity to better ensure the continuous production and efficiency of oil and gas exploration and processing.

In recent years, oil and gas exploration and development in the Tarim Basin have continued to advance towards the deep earth. At present, more than 80% of ultra deep drilling in Tarim Oilfield is concentrated in Fuman Oilfield, with the deepest design drilling reaching 9325m. In the next two or three years, 10000 m deep wells will be arranged. How did Fuman Oilfield, once a little-known oilfield, achieve a magnificent turn? The answer is to promote the release of oil and gas production capacity with scientific and technological innovation.

Zhang Yintao, Director of the Oil and Gas Reservoir Evaluation Institute of Tarim Exploration and Development Research Institute and Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch, said that Tarim Oilfield has innovated and formed two major geological theories, four major exploration and development technology series and six engineering supporting technologies, comprehensively mastered the 8000 meter level exploration and development supporting technologies, further accelerated the "cash out" speed of deep enrichment of oil and gas more than 8000 meters underground, and a batch of advanced technologies Core processes and key technologies are becoming the "most important tool of the country" to march into the deep ten thousand meters and go out to the world.

The exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the world is marching towards "deep sea, deep layer and unconventional". At present, the Tarim Basin has drilled hundreds of wells with a depth of more than 8000 meters. Deep and ultra deep layers have become the main positions for major discoveries of oil and gas in China. The amount of ultra deep oil and gas resources in the Tarim Basin ranks first among the major basins in the country. With huge exploration and development potential, it is becoming a new "growth pole" of oil and gas.

The picture shows Shunbei 84 inclined shaft. Photographed by Liu Hongxin

In addition to the Tarim Oilfield, Sinopec has successfully built the deepest "Shendi No.1 · Shunbei Oil and Gas Field" base in Asia mainland in the Tarim Basin. It has formed a series of supporting deep ground technologies, overcome world-class problems such as ultra deep, ultra-high temperature, ultra-high pressure, and constantly updated the "deep ground" record. In March, Sinopec's "Shendi No.1 · Shunbei Oil and Gas Field Base" made another breakthrough - the deepest thousand tons of vertical wells were born in Asia, making an important contribution to China's exploration of deep land and safeguarding national energy security.

Bravely climbing the ultra deep oil and gas exploration and development technology "Everest" is still in progress!

Anchoring "double carbon" to inject more green kinetic energy into high-quality development

On April 12, the reporter learned from the Xinjiang Electric Power Trading Center that in the first quarter of this year, Xinjiang sent 31.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, up 8.9% year on year, a record high. These electricity can be used by 100 million residents for 137 days, and while transforming Xinjiang's resource advantages into economic advantages, Xinjiang's rich coal and scenery resources can benefit the whole country.

It is worth mentioning that out of the 31.5 billion kilowatt hours of power transmission, new energy power transmission reached 8.363 billion kilowatt hours, accounting for 26.6%, which is equivalent to reducing the burning of standard coal by 2.53 million tons, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide by 6.83 million tons, sulfur dioxide by 21500 tons, and nitrogen oxide by 18700 tons.

In the first quarter, State Grid Xinjiang Power also actively implemented the requirements of the intergovernmental agreement to send clean power to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, to ensure 100% green power supply for the Asian Games. It has delivered 14 million kilowatt hours of green power for the Asian Games, which is expected to reduce 11500 tons of carbon dioxide, help the implementation of the "double carbon" goal, and promote green and low-carbon development.

Employees of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. inspected the operation of equipment at the 10 million kilowatt wind power base in Hami, Xinjiang. Photographed by Zhou Guangke

Xinjiang is an ideal place for the development of clean energy industry because of its vast territory and rich scenery resources. With the implementation of various measures for the autonomous region to vigorously develop new energy, Xinjiang's new energy installation will usher in a new round of growth peak in 2023, and inject more green energy to comprehensively promote the construction of "three bases and one channel" of the country. As of March 31, 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of Xinjiang power grid is 117211000 kW, and the cumulative installed capacity of new energy is 43.17 million kW, including 27.24 million kW of wind power and 15.93 million kW of photovoltaic power. The installed capacity of new energy is in the forefront of the State Grid and the first in northwest China.

The seventh plenary session of the tenth party committee of the autonomous region proposed to comprehensively promote the construction of the "three bases and one channel" of the country in the new era and build a national energy resources strategic guarantee base based on coal, oil and gas as the key, and new energy as the direction.

Anchoring the "double carbon" goal, Xinjiang introduced policies and measures to promote high-quality development of new energy in 2022, and the investment in wind power and photovoltaic power generation increased by 3.3 times. It is easy to see that in the energy security strategic system, Xinjiang clearly regards new energy as the future development direction, and injects more green energy into the "three bases and one channel".

The Party member service team of State Grid Bachu Power Supply Company inspected the wiring of the photovoltaic panel of Bachu Yuehydropower Energy Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Kang

On March 30, the 200000 kilowatt/800000 kilowatt hour supporting energy storage and 800000 kilowatt market-oriented grid connected photovoltaic power generation project (400000 kilowatt in the south area) of Bachu County Yue Hydropower Energy Co., Ltd. in Kashi Prefecture was successfully grid connected for power generation. The project is an important part of the Tarim Trunk Line of the "Ten Million Kilowatt New Energy Base" in southern Xinjiang. The whole project area is divided into two parts: the north and the south. The project connected to the grid in this phase is the south, which is expected to reduce 847000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. It is the new energy station with the largest single scale in Xinjiang power grid at present.

Deputy Chief Engineer of State Grid Xinjiang Economic Research Institute Song Xinfu, director of the Energy Development Research Center, said: "This year, State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power adheres to the idea of 'ensuring the supply of conventional power and adjusting the structure of new energy', speeds up the flexible transformation of existing coal power, promotes the construction of new coal power to be clean and low-carbon, improves the quality and efficiency of new energy services in accordance with the principle of 'reporting with approval', and adjusts the annual investment plan of new energy transmission projects. At the same time, we will focus on the four ten million kilowatt new energy bases in Zhundong, Tuha, Zhunbei and around Tarim, accurately grasp the scale and timing of new energy construction, and make every effort to do a good job in new energy grid connection services to ensure that new energy power generation projects are grid connected once completed. "

We will focus on building a new power system, vigorously plan and build a new energy supply and consumption system, promote the power grid to actively adapt to the large-scale development of new energy, and ensure the stable operation of the system under the condition of a high proportion of new energy grid connection... It can be predicted that the "three bases and one channel" supported by the state for the construction of Xinjiang will be more green, low-carbon, smart and efficient in the future.

Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. Xinjiang, with unlimited scenery and resources, should seize policy opportunities, give full play to its resource advantages and location advantages, take the green and low-carbon development path, promote green transformation in economic development, and achieve greater development in green transformation. Responding to the situation, Xinjiang is drawing a "leap picture" of high-quality development of new energy industry with a more confident attitude.

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(Editor in charge: Li Xinyang, Han Ting)

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