Software download > development tool > data base > SQL Server 2000 free download
SQL Server 2000 SP4 Simplified Chinese

official Safe and non-toxic
  • Resource size: 1.28 GB
  • Monthly downloads: 6488 times
  • Software properties: Simplified Chinese free software
  • System platform: Win7/WinXP/Win98/WinNT4/Win95/WinMe/Win8/Win10 compatible software
  • Updated: 2023-08-17
  • User rating: seven point one
  • User recommendation:
    one hundred and fifty
    three hundred and sixty-seven

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  • Not available for 64 bit system ..............

    reply Support( zero )
    6 days ago
  • Where can I download the main body installation package?

    reply Support( one )
    Before January
  • This is the SP4 bait supplement, not the main installation package. If you want to use SQL2000, you need to download the main installation package. You can't just install this

    reply Support( fifty-nine )
    Before January
    •  ZOL Shaanxi Xi'an Netizen
      ZOL Shaanxi Xi'an Netizen

      How can I install it? I'm going to cry

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