The user's evaluation of the WEB theme park and the participation mode of the evaluation displayed on the home page

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Evaluation source of WEB theme park

It has been nearly two years since the establishment of the WEB theme park. During this period, we have served many users, so we are honored to accumulate some users' comments on us|
The comments on the WEB theme park were first in the comments, and then there were comments on the third-party comments of Baidu Word of Mouth. Therefore, in order to give new users a reference, we selected some comments to place on the home page for everyone to refer to.

At present, the evaluation of WEB theme parks can be divided into two sources:

1. Invite users to comment on us recently, and place the user's website on the home page for your reference

The name of the website is a company or website because the search engine is worried about the name, and the search turns to the website of the WEB theme park. However, the link can jump to the real website of the user, which can not only make the comments have real sources, but also let the user's website get free traffic, which is a win-win goal.

2. Extracted from third-party comments on "Baidu Word of mouth"

Third party reviews are beyond our control (they can't be deleted, and we won't swipe the order. You can see that most of the reviewed accounts are old accounts for several years). They are spontaneous reviews by some users or we suggest that they be evaluated. Baidu's word-of-mouth reviews can't be attached with links, so the reviews from third parties are mainly third-party evaluation links, Let everyone see the most authentic evaluation.

If you have participated in comments with a third party before and want to display them on the home page, you can also contact us through the following ways.


If you want to display in the evaluation area, you can get free export traffic from the WEB theme park

The home page of the WEB theme park shows your comments and connections, which can give you free traffic. Usually, these users will carefully check your website, and the bounce rate is low. Relatively speaking, it is some high-quality traffic.

If you want to get free connection diversion at this location, you need to pay attention to the following aspects and send them to us through the contact information at the end of this article.

1. The website construction is highly completed, the content is healthy, and there must be no content that violates national laws, regulations and ethics.
2. The website has beautiful pictures and rich content
3. We can complete an evaluation of less than 420 words from your subjective feelings, after-sales service attitude, upgrade frequency, etc.

Contact information and required content

Please send an email to:

Message name: My comments

Content: 1. Your name
2. Your website
3. Your comments on the WEB theme park

After the email is sent, we can confirm the receipt. After the email is approved, we will reply to inform you whether it is placed on the home page of the WEB theme park.

Note: The email name is "My Comments" so that we can receive the receipt and ensure that we have received the email

Finally, thank you for your support!





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