support ten Large development platform

As of March 2024

  1. two hundred and fifty thousand
    Developers trust
  2. three hundred and seventy thousand
    Excellent application in use
  3. 59T
    Process compressed data daily

Nimble Code free tracking behavior data

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Now, "Smart Analysis" has been comprehensively upgraded

  • Zero code
  • Update free
  • Easy to test

In the new smart analysis, you can
Dynamic management tracking points,
The SDK will help you deploy trace code automatically.

WeChat applet · Big difference in data

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Statistic analysis of TalkingData applet

The direction is given to the senior management, the technology is given to the R&D, the content is given to the operation, and the analysis is given to us!
  1. fast
  2. major
  3. absorbed
View details

structure · Perfect user analysis system

Classic data index system, systematic analysis architecture, more in line with industry standards

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  • Icon User acquisition Triangle icon
  • Icon Usage behavior Triangle icon
  • Icon Participation in retention Triangle icon
  • Icon Effect conversion Triangle icon
  • ·

    Accurate statistics of each distribution channel
    Number of users obtained

    Accurately identify the number and proportion of users imported by channels, and provide real-time data feedback,
    Let you know the data changes in time and respond quickly.

    Analyze how users use your app

    Do you know when users prefer to use apps,
    What content and features do you like?
    How long do they spend on your application every day,
    How dependent is it?
    The data will give the answer.

    Uncover the depth of user participation and continuous retention

    We not only provide user retained data defined by industry standards,
    According to your needs,
    The depth retention data within 90 days are extracted according to different participation depths.

    Conversion ratio of analysis effect points

    AppAnalytics provides a customized event tracking function designed hierarchically,
    Tracking effect points can be flexibly customized,
    Combined with conversion funnel,
    Helps you effectively optimize the user conversion path.

    conduct · Refine data operation

    Use the classic analysis method of globalization to truly implement the refined operation.
    User clustering analysis
    Cluster analysis allows you to use devices, regions, user sources, depth of use, specific behaviors and other ways to delimit user segments, extract and compare segmentation data, understand groups and conduct feature marketing.
    Funnel model analysis
    Use a simple and practical funnel definition tool to freely define the transformation funnel, helping you analyze the transformation proportion of users in each step of the process. Optimize product design and improve transformation effect.
    Multidimensional drilling analysis
    Multi dimension filtering means that all kinds of data reports can filter the data of channels, versions, and characteristic user groups separately. All kinds of data expected to be read can be seen more carefully and thoroughly.

    increase · work efficiency

    Detailed functional design is committed to helping you improve efficiency and spend less time mastering more information

    Triangle icon

    It is completely free, and powerful data analysis is available
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