Beauty industry solutions
Based on the TalkingData data ecosystem, create a new marketing closed-loop, achieve more accurate crowd access strategy, more effective media layout, more reasonable budget allocation, and further achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
Data empowerment, security compliance and global marketing
Contact Business
Business pain points and challenges
The consumer's portrait is not clear
There are many data sources, and one party's data only depicts the interaction between consumers and brands, but does not restore the original appearance of consumers' behavior on the Internet
It is difficult to measure the front and rear effects
The link between front-end media delivery data and back-end sales data is broken, which makes it difficult to achieve attribution and enables subsequent media strategies
Industry solutions
Product blessing and data empowerment, activate data value, and enable global precision marketing
Core advantages
Data ecology and data capability of safety and compliance to predict the overall picture of consumers
Data ecology and data capability of safety and compliance to predict the overall picture of consumers
Linkage with different data ecology, link front and back ends, and help marketing strategy
Data application enabling marketing strategy
Associated data products
Brand advertising value analysis
It is a product based on data that runs through the whole brand marketing link and helps the growth of brand value. Help advertisers to customize media plans, monitor advertising and evaluate marketing effects.
Super data management platform
It realized the settlement of advertising monitoring data and the precipitation of data assets, provided secure and compliant multi-party data linkage and marketing empowerment, and helped improve brand marketing effect and ROI.
Associated Data Service
Marketing scoring service
Integrate complex and diverse fragmented data, conduct traffic screening, user layering, and value evaluation in the early stage of advertising, improve marketing planning, and improve advertising efficiency.
Data tag service
Multidimensional data builds user profiles, customizes personalized user operation strategies for enterprises, and helps achieve business growth.
High potential crowd mining service
Focus on brand scenario marketing, deeply analyze the characteristics of high potential users, help customers tap high potential groups, and achieve precision marketing.
Customer Stories
  • In the long-term service process of the "data enabled precision marketing" project, talkingdata provided the beauty group with data tag services, which not only enriched the user insight dimension, provided more tag screening dimensions for the refined crowd operation, but also expanded the building of model collection database, provided a feature basis for building a crowd high potential model, to improve the model accuracy;
  • In 2020, the revenue from the targeted marketing crowd selected by the algorithm model will account for 63% and 25% of the annual sales contribution;
  • To provide targeted crowd strategy, target crowd package and high potential crowd package for 160+brands across the group. Compared with the re reaching effect of self owned consumer data, data enabled targeted marketing crowd can improve the transformation efficiency by 3-9 times.

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