Joint modeling service
Massive compliance data ecology supports business scenario oriented data models, innovative applications of cutting-edge algorithms, and helps improve model effects.
Massive data, specific scenarios and leading technologies
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Application scenarios
Based on TalkingData's data midrange capability, partners analyze and mine the aggregated and desensitized data to form data models and products that meet their own business scenarios. The business model covers precision marketing, financial risk control, regional insight, etc., and is widely used in the Internet, finance, automobile, real estate and other industries and scenarios.
Rely on advanced algorithms to build intelligent models
Deeply understand the target scenario and build a data model with strong prediction ability
Risk score
Evaluate the customer's credit status and fraud risk, and assist partners in reducing the bad debt rate in the review process
Marketing score
Evaluate customer value, conduct customer stratification, screen out high intention customers, and reduce marketing costs
Application characteristics
Low dimensional vectors are used for feature coding, and equipment applications are generalized to help improve model effects

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