Application scenarios

Beauty, cosmetics, automobiles, food and beverage industries Focusing on intensive cultivation in the vertical field, assisting cooperative institutions in digital marketing, and realizing the integration of product, efficiency and sales for brand customers

Real and visible full link refined operation

Based on the massive, secure and compliant data resources of TalkingData, the app data tag system is established, which can provide thousands of tag combinations, covering the user's basic attributes, interests and preferences, commodity preferences, offline activity scenarios and other rich dimensions, so as to make the perspective of user portraits more rich and complete.

At the same time, around the complete chain of brand consumers' "reach cognition interest transformation loyalty", it provides intelligent operation services such as high potential crowd and effect measurement, realizes the integration of goods, efficiency and sales, and promotes the steady accumulation of brand data assets.

Intelligent data enabling digital marketing

Provide data reference for marketing strategies based on SDK device behavior data

User profile

Rapid batch construction of user profiles

High potential crowd

Give consideration to reach and accuracy, and tap high potential target customers

Scoring model

Model algorithm to locate target audience with high transformation potential

Effectiveness measurement

Attributing the click behavior of advertisement exposure to sales data, and quantifying the results of advertising

TalkingData security island

Realize multi-party data integration and data value creation on the premise of ensuring data security and compliance

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