Business pain points and challenges
Weak user growth
Traffic squeezes competition, and the launch cost is high. How to grow users becomes a problem
Complex conversion link
The business scenarios are diverse, and the transformation link spans multiple platforms, making it difficult to track the marketing link
Various user forms
New customers are activated and old customers are awakened. Different user groups need different operation strategies
Data assets overhead
Massive data assets have not been managed and mined. How can the value of data be converted into explicit benefits
Product solutions
The full link data monitoring and behavior analysis of user growth help enterprises understand marketing effects and business contacts, support refined user operations, explore growth points, and help enterprises improve efficiency.
Core advantages
Massive media docking certification, data security compliance, and recognized third-party settlement basis
Cross domain data tracking, linkage with various business platforms, and cross domain behavior can be analyzed
Multidimensional data analysis and flexible analysis, powerful data processing capability, flexible support for various data analysis scenarios
Three party data support, deep insight into users, and truly explore the value of data assets
Related marketing products
Application statistical analysis
Help mobile developers collect, process and analyze first party data. Analyze user behavior and improve product design.
Mobile advertising monitoring
The neutral third-party mobile advertising effect monitoring platform helps advertisers monitor the delivery effect, thus optimizing the delivery strategy, and provides a settlement basis for advertisers and channels.

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