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For documentaries with sound recorders, several aspects should be paid attention to

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: September 10, 2016 Click: 137 times



   Documentary with a sound engineer dubbing Several aspects of recording
Collaboration or collaboration
For single shooting, whether it is a working group of two or three people (director and photography+recording or director+photography+recording) or a larger working group, documentary collaboration is very important. When shooting, photographers often concentrate all their energy on the viewfinder. In addition to recording at the same time, sound recorders sometimes become additional assistants and eyes for photographers. Many photographers and sound recorders who have cooperated with each other for a long time have this tacit understanding. On the other hand, since we are a team, we need to cooperate to produce excellent works. The directors, photographers, producers and other staff should help the sound engineers to complete their work within their capabilities. For example, when recording ambient sound, we should work together to maintain the order of the scene. Only through mutual cooperation can we make perfect works.
Not enough sound material
We must record as many as possible. Independent sound recorders need not only to record the sound of the same period, but also to carefully observe and listen to the sound environment. Some sound with scene characteristics will add points to the final sound of the film, which is difficult to make up in the later stage. In addition, in our configuration, random microphones are configured for the camera. Although these microphones are of poorer quality and cheaper price than those of NTG3, they are a particularly good supplement. For documentaries with sound recorders, the following aspects should be paid attention to:


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