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Zhou Yang, a voice over commentator for youth feature films

Author: This article was transferred from Internet Time: August 19, 2016 Click: 65 times


 Voice dubber Zhou Yang

   Youth feature film dubbing Commentary artist -- Zhou Yang. "Teacher Zhou Yang, do you love your lover?"
"Surely love, she is the most part of my life"
"Famous Dubbing Actor", "Young Documentary Commentary Artist", "Most Popular Host", "Winner of the National Five One Project Award"... This is Zhou Yang we are familiar with.
In 1990, he was selected by the Radio Drama Department of Heilongjiang People's Broadcasting Station to participate in the performance of the series Water Margin.
In 1995, Zhou Yang, after graduation, joined Yuyao TV Station in Zhejiang Province. Later, he was admitted to Ningbo Radio Station to take charge of morning programs, ranging from transportation programs to entertainment programs, and became a well-known local host.
In 2000, he was hired by Ningbo Radio Traffic Music Channel, from morning news to city zero.
In 2005, Zhou Yang resolutely decided to give up the development opportunities in Macao and return to Beijing to continue his beloved radio and television dubbing and documentary commentary.
We are familiar with his voice, we are familiar with his course, but those who really like him, eager to know about him, are far from stopping at these.
We want to know more about Zhou Yang outside the studio.
His deep feeling, as well as the love for his lover.
His persistence, even if he gave up Youwo, would not give up his dream.
His simplicity, pursuit of quality, but also love fashion brand.
His sincerity, "I still like round glasses!"
He was serious, "I want to sing a love song with her."
He is a "famous voice actor" and "young documentary commentator". At the same time, he is also a standard Scorpio man, mysterious, profound, sexy, powerful.
When he gives you a meaningful look with his sharp eyes, he can see through your motives, but it is not so easy for you to see through him.
He is persistent in his love, and his faith is so firm!
He devotes himself wholeheartedly, actively explores, constantly surpasses himself, and never forgets his original intention. Such a thoughtful teacher fascinates everyone.
Many people love him, not only his voice. Commentary artist for youth feature film -- Zhou Yang:


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