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Problems encountered in the study of special film dubbers

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 17, 2016 Click: 173 times


 Feature film dubbing

   Problems encountered in the study of special film dubbers. Q: How can we support sound with air
A: The simple physical experience is that the voice should not only come from the throat; Experience is to put emotional factors into the text part you want to express, and then express and create.
Q: When reading aloud, you should support your voice with breath. Sometimes you can't find a breath exchange port. It's not enough to breathe before you finish reading a sentence. What should we do in this situation?
A: In this case, you need to do vital capacity exercise to prove that your breath is too shallow. Please refer to some methods in vocal music training.
Q: How do cross dressing male voices sound? What skills or attentions do you have?
A: Why cross dressing male voices? Can you tell the baby? skill? It should be to lower the voice and thicken it so that it can be heard horizontally.
Q: I want to ask what should I do if I can't keep up with the fast lines?
Answer: I don't want to talk about tongue twisters enough. If I can't speak those words and paragraphs well, I will train them separately. Problems encountered by the special film dubbers in learning:


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