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Talk about the problem of stiff pronunciation of voice dubbers in feature films

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 15, 2016 Click: 88 times


 Feature film dubbing

   Talk about the feature film dubbing The problem of stiff jaw. Today, let's talk about the feeling of enunciation with our friends.
I said a lot about pronunciation before. Let's talk about enunciation today. In fact, it is known that the pronunciation of words is directly related to your mouth, your lips and your tongue.
Some friends asked me that I always felt tired when I was speaking lines and reading articles. I was tired when I made every sound. And when the first word was connected to the second word, the process was very stiff. For example, after reading a paragraph, I think my jaw is stiff and my tongue is stiff. What's the reason? Next, we will continue to discuss this issue.
Selected messages
Look forward!
EM Regal Jam
As a southern girl, I said that it is true... and I have to overcome the problem of too strong accent Talk about the stiff pronunciation of the feature film dubber.
Huang Qiushi
In fact, I think it's not difficult for me to say it clearly, because it's very natural to learn broadcasting. The difficulty is to say it clearly and naturally, but also to have drama. Sometimes, if I say it too well, I will feel false if I return to the end too well. If I say it too lightly, I will feel I have no confidence, I hope Sister Lin can talk about how to practice the voice when speaking again. Thank you, Sister Lin
It's time to start working
The oral state is positive and relaxed. When expressing words, pay attention to the words. Relax your throat and chin, and don't take it too seriously. If your throat is tight, just sigh deeply. If my jaw is tight, I really don't know what to do for a while. If I don't practice oral exercises for a long time, my jaw will force unconsciously when my lips and tongue are particularly loose, especially when there are ulcers. My personal advice is that at this time, let yourself relax and slow down first. Don't worry. The other thing is, don't be lazy, practice oral exercises well
There are also long press releases, and the whole mouth is very tired after reading them. Talk about the stiff pronunciation of the feature film dubber.
Looking forward to the answer to this question!
Xie Wanting
In the dubbing show, sometimes before saying a paragraph of words, they unconsciously prepare for the mouth shape and even hold their breath. Although they know this is wrong, they can't find a way to relax. If they don't prepare, they will miss the time to speak
Han Mei on the Tongue
I think enunciation is very important. If it is not accurate enough, it will affect the quality of dubbing
  ? Cotton?
Does everyone have some words that are hard to pronounce? In the past, it was difficult for me to pronounce "Nian", and for example, I could easily break the sound of "An" and "An"
Little Monkey Fairy
I find it very difficult to pronounce words. It's easy to mustache when I say too much
Yuanjia lyha??
I always thought I was tired because I used my mouth to make sound, not my abdomen
diagram in the Book of Changes indicating truth and honesty
Sometimes I feel tired when I talk too much, and then I unconsciously stammer qwq
My Family Kisses Brother Dayuan
Can Can, teacher, I want to ask how to open my voice, because I used to dub without opening my voice well, which led to some problems in my throat
Have a good command of Xiaolingzi
Breath and phonation can't be combined well. I always feel my voice is dry when I say something, but I can't understand the use of phonation when I practice breath alone!~


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