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Methods for Dubbers to Relax the Root of Tongue

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 13, 2016 Click: 198 times


 Dubber Ji Guanlin

   Feature film dubbing Methods for relaxing the root of the tongue When it comes to relaxing the tongue, well, many kids have questions: What if my tongue freezes when I say it?
At this time, I personally think I can do some exercises to relax my tongue.
So how to do it?
First of all, we can let the tongue roll freely in the mouth for a while, for example -- ¥%% ¥% (ha ha, listen to the audio demonstration!), so that the tongue will naturally soften.
Secondly, we can also twist the tongue from side to side and back. The force in this process should not be too great. We should do it loosely. Once we exert too much force, the tongue will become more rigid.
Finally, we can hold a mouthful of water, raise our head to gargle, then stick our tongue out of our lips and continue to gargle with this mouthful of water. If we use light salt water, it will be good for our pharynx while relaxing the root of our tongue!
net friend:
The teacher's drool is so loud
Zhang Sanjin
Salt water, good, a little, too much will be wrong!
Han Mei on the Tongue
The pronunciation teacher has said for many days that pronunciation is really important, and needs more training
Zheng Kaiyu
Miss Ji, what homework should I leave this week
You can have a look at the weekly exercises
Lanxin Huizhi
Full of dry goods, benefited a lot. I have collected them, Momoda
Meow, meow????
Thank you, teacher. Every time I come out of a monologue, my voice is very tense, I can't relax naturally, there is nothing wrong with dubbing, and when I come out of a monologue, I can't speak well, my voice is hollow
festive lantern
The sound of the goddess's mouth is so beautiful... Am I hopeless_ Methods for Dubbers to Relax the Root of Tongue


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