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Multi agency operation mode of radio dubbing advertisement

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: August 9, 2016 Click: 90 times

   Radio advertising business mode:
Multiple agents
   radio broadcast dubbing Multi agency operation mode of advertising. The multi agency system includes multi point industry agency and category agency. (1) Sub industry agency means that radio stations divide advertisers into several types according to frequency content, and then divide these different types of advertisements into different advertising agencies. Advertising agencies in different industries only need to complete the annual advertising quota of this type according to the agreement. The advantage of sub industry agency is that it is more refined and professional, but its disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, it is easy to reduce the flexibility of radio advertising business.
   Multi agency operation mode of radio dubbing advertisement. (2) Category agency is to blur the concept of industry division and let more small advertising companies participate in the agency. At the same time, the radio station does not sign an annual contract with the agency. As long as the advertising agency of the agency accumulates to a certain extent, it will give preferential price policies.


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