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The Significance of Musical Emotion and Order in the Dubbing of Feature Films

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 7, 2016 Click: 187 times


 Feature film dubbing

   The significance of music emotion and order in the dubbing of feature films. "Ravel's" Polly "dance uses music instead of language to express the myth; Music works provide a series of meanings and complicated relationships that can filter and organize life experience; Music replaces experience and produces pleasant fantasies that can eliminate contradictions and solve difficulties. "
Good music can affect human beings on many levels, making us have a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. We will not only respond to the beauty of the revealed, constant and deep relationship, but also reflect on the fact that we perceive music itself. This is the wonderful satisfaction that comes from watching a good movie, so that you will resonate with the movie for several hours or even for your life after watching it. This includes both emotional and intellectual aspects - emotion and order.
   The significance of music emotion and order in the dubbing of feature films. These two poles can be summarized by two Greek myths about the origin of music: Apollo and Dionysus. Apollo was the god of order, the god of measurement, the god of number, the god of control, the god of calm, and the god of conquering doubt instinct. The harmony of the universe is as predictable as Apollo's gesture when playing the tortoiseshell lyre. In the music of Apollo, the structure is very clear, such as the music of Bach and Haydn.
On the contrary, Dionysus is the god of liberation, the god of intoxication, the god of carnival celebration, and will be inspired by human emotions and animal cries. His instruments are flute and ludi, both of which are designed internally to let excitement or sadness erupt from human thorax. Dionysus expresses himself through rhythm fluctuation, dynamic subtle change and tonal color, just as the romantic music is irrational and subjective.
   The significance of music emotion and order in the dubbing of feature films. The materiality of music makes it directly related to subjective and perceptual life ups and downs, and the precise order of music can provide aesthetic enlightenment for organizing our world. Great works of art can neither be free of human thoughts and feelings, nor can they be free of ways to organize and express human feelings. In this way, great music works realize the connection between mind and body.


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