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How to select recording scheme for feature film dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: 2016-04-10 Click: 50 times


 Feature film dubbing

   Feature film dubbing How to select a recording scheme, which will be organized by Shengguang Dubbing Network for you. According to different recording objects, recording can be divided into: language recording and music recording; According to different recording occasions, it can be divided into: live recording and professional studio recording; According to the purpose of recording, there are video recording, news recording, meeting recording, teaching recording, etc. At the beginning of recording program production, the recording program form must be determined according to the requirements of different types of programs. See the following table for details:

Examples of different forms of recorded programs
Recording program type Program form
News programs Recorded interviews, recorded news, recorded topics
Literature and art programs Film recording and editing, film dialogue and narration, soundtrack poetry,
Music essay, music or opera recording
Economic service programs Advertising words, tourist attractions introduction, booth product introduction
Teaching programs Phonics listening and speaking recording, text reading, dialogue practice

For different types of programs, design recording plans (also known as recording plans). The recording scheme includes the following contents: program name, length (minutes), announcer, name of music material, full text of the manuscript, length of each paragraph and sentence interval, explanation of whether to use effect sound, etc. The effect sound can be recorded on site, such as the sound of a car passing by, or it can be imitated, that is, the sound of a car passing by the wind engine can be picked up by manual means, such as turning the microphone slowly in front of the fan. In language teaching programs, short beeps are often used to separate teachers' questions and wait for students' answers. Such a detailed script is essential for the completion of the recording program. This article is organized and provided by Shengguang Dubbing Network:


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