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Sound physical characteristics in the production of propaganda film dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2016-07-09 Click: 124 times


 Video dubbing

   2、 Physical characteristics of sound
Waveform, amplitude and frequency are important physical characteristics of sound. Editing sound is to change these three physical quantities.
(1) Waveform
Sound is formed by vibration in a specific environment (such as air) and within a specific frequency range. The sound that the human ear can hear is generated by vibration within a specific frequency range. Vibration can be generated by many factors. When sound makes a certain medium move, it will produce waves with different intensities (i.e. amplitude) and different vibration rates (i.e. frequency).
(2) Amplitude
In the waveform, the amount of energy (volume) displayed by the sound is called amplitude.
Amplitude is particularly important for the production of TV sound: for example, the original amplitude of the sound must be large enough so that the microphone (pickup) can identify the desired sound from the background or environmental noise; The amplitude should also be within the range that the microphone or sound converter can capture, so that the sound with a certain amplitude can be converted into an electronic signal, which must be within the appropriate range that the relevant equipment can process. The human ear is very sensitive to volume perception, but electronic devices are not so comfortable, which requires close attention to volume issues.
(3) Frequency
Frequency, commonly known as pitch, refers to the pitch of voice. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).
The sound frequency that human can hear is 20~20000Hz, which is the maximum range of human hearing. The highest frequency that men can hear is 16000Hz, which can be higher for women. The sound below 150Hz belongs to bass, and the high frequency sound is scream, such as the highest voice of violin.
(4) Timbre
Sound waves generally contain several main frequency components, which are reflected in the characteristics of sound, namely timbre. The timbre is the "unique personality" of sound. For example, although the voice and the violin may have the same pitch or frequency, or even the same volume or amplitude, the timbre of the two sounds is quite different. The timbre enables us to distinguish different sounds made by various objects.
As shown in the figure below, the voice of this waveform includes the main voice and the secondary voice (also called overtone or harmony). A voice can have one or more harmonies. The performance and quality of harmony in the waveform will be affected by the frequency response sensitivity of the recording microphone, as well as the electricity used to store or transmit sound
Subsystem impact. The microphone can only transmit effectively in a very narrow bandwidth, while the transmission frequency of the radio station can be in a relatively wide frequency range.
(5) Relation between amplitude and frequency
It is impossible for a microphone to transmit all sound frequencies without distortion, and electronic technology can try to adapt to people's hearing requirements. For example, loudness controller can amplify bass (frequency) when reducing volume (amplitude), so that people's ears think they hear the same volume as a higher volume.
The sound elements in TV programs include voice (dialogue, commentary, etc.), music and noise. The physical characteristics of sound include waveform, amplitude, frequency, timbre, etc. To edit sound, you need to change these three physical quantities. This article is written by Shengguang dubbing Provide you with:


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