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Voice dubbing and shooting ideas of Hangzhou Hi tech Zone investment promotion film

Author: This article was transferred from Internet Time: 2016-05-25 Click: 143 times


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It is strongly recommended to buy the famous director Ren Limin's Private Works of Commercial Publicity Film: Copywriting, Creativity, Planning to see the full content!

The Secret Weapon of Simplification -- Hangzhou Hi tech Zone Investment Promotion Video

Only when the main road is simple can we understand the essence of commerce and be comfortable between art and commerce. However, in reality, many people inevitably simplify into complexity, complicate simple things, and lose themselves in the tangle of art and commerce. Especially for government investment films, many production companies have paid special attention to them, so they have hired professional writers to plan carefully. But unfortunately, it is easy to plan when receiving orders, and the copy can not be finalized. They are modified by customers again and again, which may drag on for several months. If the copywriting is started without really moving people's hearts, the consequences will be even worse.
In 2008, when we received the list of Hangzhou High tech Zone, we learned that the customer had just paid a high price to shoot an investment promotion film, which was shot by a very famous company in Beijing. The picture quality can be described as clear and beautiful, and the time span can be described as a long history. But what makes the customer want to cry is that the film seems to be a Hangzhou city promotion film, without the shadow of the High tech Zone, The audience only looked but did not pay the bill, which could not achieve the purpose of attracting investment. Therefore, customers hope to see hope in Hangzhou with fluke mentality, and cooperation can only be discussed after the copywriting is passed.
Faced with this situation, as a copywriter, it seems that there is a lot of pressure, because what you come out with not only greatly exceeds the existing works, but also can withstand the customer's criticism in all aspects. Because the theme of the film has been very clear, that is, "Silicon Valley Paradise, Silicon Valley Paradise". Then, before writing a copy, first make clear who the audience is.
Who is the audience of China Merchants Film? Investors, of course. Investors at home and abroad should not look at beautification, but at real content, and should see the interests that arouse investment interest. In other words, the film is aimed at people who pay the bill and invest, rather than art appreciation.
In this way, investment promotion videos are different from city promotional videos. What you want to show investors is not only a beautiful artistic picture, but also a value experience of entrepreneurship and innovation, which is sales force rather than freehand brushwork.
1、 Thinking
The theme of "Paradise in Silicon Valley, Paradise in Silicon Valley" contains very complicated content. Since it is an investment promotion film, its hidden line should also be "business".
There are three steps to attract business: establishing business, retaining business and enriching business.
First, the High tech Zone places enterprises through unique park planning and external environment, then retains enterprises through beautiful living environment and perfect government supporting services. Finally, the High tech Zone enables enterprises to continue to grow through a strong innovation environment and cultural environment, and finally achieve success.
We find that it just covers the four main aspects of Hangzhou Hi tech Zone, namely: suitable for business, suitable for living and suitable for entertainment. Therefore, taking these four steps as a line will be able to properly express what she contains.
The promotional film will increase the content of Silicon Valley, attract the audience's attention through a strong scientific and technological atmosphere, and many numbers and professional terms will appear in the form of subtitles. At the same time, considering the development history of the high-tech zone for many years, the promotional film should be promoted to a height that is in line with the world. This article is written by Shengguang Promotional dubbing Provide you with:


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