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Views on the multimedia demonstration video of land use planning in Hangzhou

Author: This article was transferred from Internet Time: 2016-05-24 Click: 73 times

   Feel the Breath of Striking the Earth -- Multimedia Demonstration Film of Hangzhou Land Use Planning

The content of the copy of the propaganda film for land planning work is very abstract and boring. A large number of professional terms and dense numbers are enough to make people collapse. But as a copywriter, it is a basic quality not to pick the single one. When communicating with the Land and Resources Bureau, we found that they had already had a promotional film for half an hour, which was like a textbook and made us sleepy. Therefore, the customer hopes to make a new promotional film to vividly reproduce the content of land planning.
For second-hand orders with arduous missions, accepting orders in a crisis has become a habit. I know that in the face of the vast lifeless words, as long as they radiate their spirituality and become a little bit of flavor, we can achieve our goal.
1、 Some opinions on the promotional film
The publicity film of the staff reflects the contents of the revision of land planning in a more comprehensive and detailed way. But for video solutions, too much digital information has greatly reduced the artistic appeal, and plain text is also difficult to resonate because there is no behind thinking. Whether for industry leaders or amateur audiences, it is difficult to achieve ideal results by listing a large amount of information. Detailed and comprehensive information is more suitable for plane data.
2、 Our understanding of the film
Hangzhou is a representative and characteristic city in China, whose economic development and cultural landscape can attract the attention of the world. The "Hangzhou phenomenon" is difficult to replicate in the whole country, and it must be unrepeatable in land planning.
At present, Hangzhou is building a "city of quality of life" comparable to the world's advanced cities. We hope to take this as the starting point, so that the land planning reflected in this film is tailored for Hangzhou alone. We hope to explore with the audience how to maintain the balance of "city of quality" on the balance of urban development? What kind of land planning is more suitable for Hangzhou? The harmonious and people-oriented land planning revision must be fully expressed in the film. It is not only necessary for leaders to quickly obtain information from the film, but also for ordinary audiences to understand its content. It will set a new writing benchmark. This article is written by Shengguang dubbing Provide you with:

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