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Dubbing copy of promotional video of vacuum die casting technology

Source: unknown Time: July 9, 2019 Click: 170 times


The high vacuum die casting technology of XX can effectively reduce the porosity inside the casting, make the internal structure of the casting compact, improve its mechanical properties, improve the filling conditions, improve the tensile strength, yield strength, delay rate, etc. of the products, and can produce castings with thinner wall thickness and larger structure, and meet the requirements of welding and heat treatment processes. In the aspect of mold protection, it can minimize the back pressure in the mold cavity, reduce the injection specific pressure, which is conducive to extending the service life of the die-casting mold, and is one of the key die-casting technologies to expand the use range of die-casting parts.
The high vacuum die-casting technology of XX is based on the traditional die-casting technology, which uses the vacuum system to remove the gas in the mold cavity before filling the mold. The key of vacuum die-casting is to reduce the gas in the cavity to ensure the vacuum effect. In general vacuum die casting, the vacuum degree of the mold is between - 700 and - 800 mbar, and the vacuum degree in the mold of structural parts is required to be between - 960 and - 980 mbar.
When the vacuum degree in the mold reaches - 960 to - 980 mbar, the heat treatment strength can be effectively increased by 15% - 25%.
XX China, Made in China for 10 years , It is specially designed to build high-end and stable vacuum die-casting supporting equipment and provide customized integrated supporting services. The HG series and SP series vacuum machines and vacuum valves of XX have been distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government throughout the country. Supporting after-sales points have been set up in many cities to truly relieve your worries. "XX" will never stop!


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