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Dubbing script of secret love theme

Source: unknown Time: May 14, 2019 Click: 154 times


  I'm Taiyang. This is the first time I have a crush on Diqiu one thousand and one God, I still remember clearly that when I first saw her, my heart beat faster when I hid behind the tree


Feeling. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She always likes to wear a white gauze skirt. The breeze blows her skirt. My heart


It also sways. She is sometimes as sweet and lively as spring and summer, and sometimes as lonely and cold as autumn and winter. I want to know that she cares about her love


Protect her, but I dare not get too close to her, because I am not an ordinary person... Since I was young, my body temperature has been abnormally high. It's as high as me


Everything I touch will burn, so I can only look at her from afar. Once she caught a cold and shivered when she saw


I want to unconsciously approach her, but when I get closer to her, she seems to be burned. At that time, I


Yu understands that the position beside her is the place I can never get close to. It is the only thing I can do to guard her silently at a suitable distance


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