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two hundred and six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-four

Dialogue text of small video screen crossing the fire line

Source: unknown Time: April 1, 2019 Click: 151 times

  Hostess: What are you doing? Why are you bombing me. Bad Bear: Equip me and I will help you get up. Hostess: Here you are. Please don't kill me. Bad Bear: That's right. You know current affairs. For a rookie like you, this gun is a waste. Ha ha ha. The good bear in the distance fired two shots in a row, and the female leader ran over: Thank you. Good Bear: Here's the medicine. Take good care of yourself. The female host's inner monologue: Wait, is this voice you? Good Bear Runs Away, Hostess: It's really you..? I said to myself that I was not sure. After the airdrop gunfight, the hostess: I know it's you. You have been protecting me. Good Bear: Sorry, you have mistaken someone. Hostess: No, no, no, it's you. I know it's you. Don't, don't, cry


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