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"Falling in love with characters" -- The voice dubbing of Guanghe Xinsheng on behalf of Cai Na

Source: Photosynthesis Building block Time: July 7, 2018 Click: 65 times

  How can a girl who has traveled from modern times to ancient times use her modern knowledge to influence the process of a period of history and become an indispensable key figure in that troubled world. This can be said to be one of the most attractive attractions of the TV series "Heavenly Meanings". And Qian Xiaofang, who was so clever and angry, also left a deep impression on all the audience who had seen the TV play.

Cai Na, the voice actor of the new voice generation of Photosynthetic Building Blocks who voices this role, is totally different from Qian Xiaofang in the play. She is a shy and quiet girl. Fresh short hair hanging in the ear, soft voice, quiet and quiet. The author can't combine her with the happy Qian Xiaofang in the play at all. But that may be the charm of voice actors. It is the pursuit of many voice actors to turn themselves into water and fit all roles.
Compared with Xu Kai, who voices the male lead in the play, Cai Na has been engaged in the industry of voice actors for a longer time and has more experience. This is not her first time to play a female lead. However, this did not relieve her of any pressure. Even during the recording process, Cai Na faced a problem that was difficult for her to overcome: difficult to get involved in love.
"I'm really a little white in terms of feelings, and I don't have much experience. But in this play, Qian Xiaofang and Han Xin have a very clear emotional line. From the beginning of resistance, to slowly accept, slowly like, and finally love each other, these subtle changes need to be shown. But in the early days of recording, I could not find that feeling at all, and I could not feel the same feeling without experiencing it. Although Qian Xiaofang did not have any feelings for Han Xin at the beginning, and my state was consistent with that of the characters in the play, I was very worried that I would still be like this when they fell in love later, and I would not be able to show my due emotions. "
Cai Na said in her conversation with the author that voice dubbing is a perceptual process of artistic creation. If you can't put appropriate feelings into it at the right time, you will not be able to be touching. Undoubtedly, an art that can't be touching will fail. In fact, this has always been a problem faced by Cai Na in her previous voice dubbing career. Performance is a process of true listening, true seeing, true feeling and true expression. Without specific feelings in life, it is naturally difficult to show proper feelings.
"Sometimes I really want to have a serious relationship as soon as possible because I am responsible for my work. But when I think about it, it seems that this starting point is not very responsible for feelings." Cai Na said jokingly.
How do you put in the feelings you didn't feel in the next recording? This was a problem that Cai Na needed to solve and had to solve at that time.
However, maybe Zhengshun has followed the old saying that "there are many hidden dangers and bright flowers". After a period of preparation, Cai Na found that she, like Qian Xiaofang in the play, began to gradually like the role of Han Xin in the play. "Determined and decisive, she is a little wolf dog to others, and dotes on Qian Xiaofang, which is an ideal type." Cai Na said with a smile. It happened that Qian Xiaofang began to be interested in Han Xin. Cai Na's own unintentional growth was combined with the overall plot, which was amazing. From the beginning without feeling, to the later, every line seems to become his own words to Han Xin. With the joint efforts of Cai Na and the actors, the character Qian Xiaofang comes alive.
Cai Na still remembers that in the second half of the story, there were two scenes with great emotional fluctuations. At that time, Cai Na was able to fully put her feelings into the story, and even could not get out of her emotions for a long time after recording. "As for the two scenes, because the play has not been broadcast to that part yet, I will not reveal the spoilers first. You'd better go and see them yourself. They are really two very moving scenes." Cai Na suddenly showed that she was similar to Qian Xiaofang.
Through this play, Cai Na feels that although personal experience is still the necessary basis for emotional involvement in dubbing, in fact, this feeling is not necessarily only obtained from real life. The characters in film and television plays tend to focus on their personal characteristics, so when dubbing actors really go deep into understanding the objects of their matching roles, Maybe you can be attracted to this role in a short time, so as to lead out your true feelings. At this time, the voice actors need to remember this feeling firmly, so that even if they can't put their feelings into the objects with feelings in the next work, they can also rely on the feelings they have felt before to express the corresponding and appropriate emotions.
  Sweet Memories
"Learn to fall in love with the role" is the experience Cai Na summed up in the process of recording Qian Xiaofang's role, and it is also her biggest gain in this project. Even Mr. Zhang Kai, the voice director of "Tianyi", commented that Cai Na "constantly broke through herself" in this preparation, and said that "Tianyi" is Cai Na's "milestone of emotional growth", which shows how profound the growth of Cai Na in this preparation is for her.
When asked about their future career plans, Cai Na's calmness surprised the author: "I feel that compared with other teachers, I have more and bigger problems in my business, but it also shows that I have more room for improvement. Therefore, I have no long-term plan in my work. I just hope I can continue to solve various problems. I think that if I go forward step by step, I can actually achieve my goals." When it comes to feelings, Cai Na becomes emotional again: "Actually, I don't have any specific requirements, because when I meet the right person, even if he doesn't meet his own requirements, he will accept him, so it's meaningless to set requirements in advance." Han Xin in, but compared with the vigorous love, I prefer the kind of gentle and natural feelings. "
The journey of life will never be smooth. We always grow up in frustration and difficulties. In Cai Na's opinion, all of these are rare treasures for voice actors. When she can deeply feel people's joys and sorrows, and taste all the flavors of life, she will definitely be able to assign more moving and sincere roles in the future voice work. It may be Cai Na's "way of dubbing" to rise and fall in emotion, absorb nutrients and express them sincerely.


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