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On the Problems of Dubbing "Tone" and "Ancient Style Tone"

Source: unknown Time: April 14, 2018 Click: 146 times


 Dubber Lu Hengyu

   The questions about various tones are relatively concentrated. Let's briefly talk about my personal opinion. First of all, when we are faced with works of different types, styles, and times, we will adjust the way of expression, tone and intonation to achieve the effect of fitting and differentiation. For example, in works of modern urban themes, the overall style of characters' speech will be closer to our daily speech; The costume drama took place in ancient times, so we should consider what people should say at that time, which may be more formal, and even have some words that appear literary (but none of us have experienced it personally, so we can only speculate or imagine); There are also translated works that use Chinese to endorse non Chinese works. They will take into account the historical and cultural background of the other party, and even the language characteristics and language habits (for example, people in some regions will say "My God", and some regions will say "God bless"). When giving expression to the role, they need to take into account. This is bound to form a variety of so-called "tunes" (let's use the word "tunes" for a moment). This situation does exist, but no matter what kind of "tunes" are used, there must be a basic premise: consistent with the role's internal and external performance. The internal refers to the thinking and inner activities of the role, and the external refers to the actions and behaviors of the role. If it is a work presented by characters in front of the screen, we will look at the recorded lines and pictures together, and adjust them where we think they are inappropriate (to be frank: for example, if you think you record too much, you can try to calm down a little, if you record too much, you can try to be simple); If it is a radio play or other work that does not have a performance that can actually see the action, you must carefully outline the internal and external performance of the role in your mind before recording. After recording, you should match with the image you outlined during the listening process, and then make adjustments. Finally, what I want to say is that everything that is easy to obtain is not advanced. Language expression is a technology that requires continuous accumulation of micro feelings, not overnight. I hope this text can help you.


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