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How do broadcasters broadcast TV news well

Source: unknown Time: 2017-06-16 Click: 57 times

  The task of the announcer is to turn the language into a purposeful, targeted, attitudinal and emotional voice language and convey it to the audience. Therefore, whether it is radio news or television news, the psychological state and emotion of the broadcasters affect the expression of written manuscripts.
When the TV news announcers began to analyze and understand the manuscript, they began a series of continuous and flowing psychological activities. At the same time, the announcers also entered a state of broadcasting psychology. Because the text broadcasting of TV news broadcasting is the introduction, explanation, explanation, comment or supplement of the content of the picture by the TV broadcaster from outside the picture, the acquisition of the good psychological state of the TV news broadcaster should focus on stimulating the brain nerves with the scenes in the TV news picture, so that it can drive emotions, And with the replacement of TV news content, they constantly adjust themselves to adapt to the content. At present, the news production process of our local stations is sometimes disjointed. The announcers only record or broadcast the written manuscripts, and the editors only edit and string the news pictures. Then, the hard and mechanical "integration" of the two is regenerated, producing two skins of sound and picture, which destroys the overall beauty of TV news. In the broadcast of TV news, it is important for broadcasters and TV viewers to reach a certain "psychological understanding" and grasp the psychological state of TV viewers. For example, according to CCTV's one month long news report on the World Cup last year, Shen Bing's excellent performance can be said to have left a deep impression. Her good broadcast effect is due to her grasp of her and the audience's psychological state at that time - she did not simply "I play you listen", but merged into the picture with the fans. While helping and guiding the fans to understand the content of the screen and feel the theme of the picture, she also let the news information control their senses and hearts like the fans. After obtaining the correct psychological state, the emotion of TV news broadcasting can not be ignored. TV news announcers report the advanced people and their deeds in all walks of life every day, which contains rich emotions. If the emotional world of the announcer is poor, it is like a locomotive without power system. It is hard to move. Such broadcasting must be empty, pale, stiff, numb, and insipid. "Emotion is the first thing that moves people". Only through the concept of words and phrases in the manuscript and its movement stimulation, can all internal and external senses be mobilized, the whole body be activated, and the broadcasting emotion in harmony with the audience's heart can be found, which can arouse the resonance of the audience and knock on the audience's heart. Emotion is the power source of broadcasting creation and the starting point of broadcasting TV news well. It can stimulate the rich imagination of TV news broadcasters, unify it with the picture emotion, and reflect the inherent essence of TV news, so that it is closer to the audience and easier to be accepted by the audience. Therefore, TV news broadcasters must attach great importance to their own emotional mobilization.
2、 The Intelligent Structure of Announcers and Their Perception and Understanding of Manuscripts
Intelligent structure refers to a person's intelligence and talent, which is a multifaceted and multi-level synthesis composed of knowledge, skills and abilities. TV news announcers are journalists who use artistic language. They should reflect the characteristics and advantages of journalists. Generally speaking, TV news announcers should have four kinds of knowledge and five abilities. Namely: Marxist theoretical knowledge, broadcasting professional knowledge, basic knowledge of language and literature, and encyclopedia knowledge; Policy understanding ability, language expression ability, live broadcast ability, ability to collect, compile and broadcast in one body, and social activity ability.
"Understanding is the foundation and feeling is the key". TV news announcers can only use their own "intelligent structure" to make concrete feelings and understanding of written manuscripts, so as to master the writing characteristics, paragraph levels, logical relations, typical descriptions and other elements of each broadcast manuscript, so as to effectively show the theme - the soul of TV news manuscripts, and organically combine the picture language with the written language, To supplement the lack of elements of TV news, further expand the value of TV news, and highlight the fresh vitality of TV news.
According to the different "intelligent structures" of individuals, broadcasters have generated their own feelings and understanding, formed their own distinctive ways of expression, displayed their own unique broadcasting style, and also adapted to different television audiences. For example, Chen Luyu of Phoenix Satellite TV, when she broadcasts the news, she looks capable and authoritative, giving people a unique confidence. Her personality charm is a comprehensive reflection of her own knowledge and cultivation.
In addition, TV news announcers should go to the grass-roots level, go to the front line of all walks of life, understand the life and work of the masses, and with perceptual experience, they can report all kinds of things in social life to the audience in a timely and passionate manner, so that the audience can feel that what you say is their heart. TV news announcers may have such experience that as long as they have participated in the interview of major news events, most of them can improve their perceptual understanding of the news scene and news events, deepen their understanding of news stories, and thus improve the broadcast quality.
3、 Language expression skills when broadcasting manuscripts
"Use our voice to touch everyone's heart." For broadcasters, this is the realm of lifelong pursuit. An excellent TV news announcer should have solid basic language skills and skillful expression skills, so that when facing the camera or microphone, he does not have to worry about the language defects that will affect the broadcast, but can concentrate, confidently and freely into the manuscript. The written version of TV news and the TV picture complement each other. To express the written version well, first of all, it should be clear that the version of TV news has its fixed style. With this style, the broadcast form should be simple and generous, neat sentences, clear and smooth, clear voice, moderate rhythm, one-way flow of emotion and audience positioning. Secondly, because news events are in the process of movement, change and development, when TV news announcers report news events, they only report events that occur in a specific environment and time, and do not expect the development of events or whether they are over, which requires the announcers to grasp the range and boundary of changes in voice, emotion, rhythm and tone when broadcasting, Make it harmonious with the TV picture, so as to maintain the sense of moderation of news broadcasting at different stages and under different conditions, and show the TV news events to the audience objectively and truthfully without losing their political position. Because the advantage of "both sound and picture" of TV news is easy to be accepted by the audience and shortens the thinking process of audience reception, the broadcasting speed of TV news is faster than that of radio news. However, the speed of TV news broadcasting must be consistent with the style of the broadcast content, and excessive elaboration on individual sentences must be avoided, because the TV picture has clearly displayed the details in front of the audience. Once the sentence is combined with the picture, you will find that such elaboration is completely unnecessary. In addition. Most newsreels are composed of short shots and pictures. Generally, long shots with a single speed are seldom used. Therefore, when grasping the style of news releases, we should consider the changes in the rhythm of sentences. We should not overemphasize the subjective feelings of the announcers, and add too many non objective factors, including too many too strong setbacks, inappropriate trailing endings Too fast or too slow rhythm, etc. Xu Li of CCTV 4 is a very successful news announcer with broadcasting personality. Taking the broadcasting speed as an example, she determines the broadcasting speed based on the news content. In every sentence, she highlights the main words by slowing down the speed and raising the tone, while other unimportant content is broadcast quickly, which makes people feel very comfortable and comfortable.
What kind of voice strength should be maintained when TV news is broadcast is also a problem that TV news announcers should strive to explore. If the voice is too strong, it may interfere with the audience's attention to the television news picture. When broadcasting, the interpretation tone should be properly integrated to achieve coordination with the picture. The determination of stress in TV news broadcasting should avoid conflict with the facts reflected and revealed in the pictures. The sentence without stress makes people difficult to understand and understand the purpose of the language. The sentence becomes dull and tasteless due to the lack of implicit meaning, but the stress in a sentence should not be too much, or it will disperse the purpose of the sentence, making people difficult to understand. Appropriate pauses in TV news are also important. Many pauses will make the broadcast of TV news appear incomplete in meaning and incoherent in sentences. However, if there is no pause or the pause is improper, it will make the audience's understanding of the content of TV news deviate. A proper pause is an artistic "blank", giving the audience a complete picture, It enables the audience to have a complete sense of visual effect, so as to better and more accurately understand the information content of TV news.
4、 Nonverbal Communication of TV News Announcers
Because the form of TV news restricts the TV announcers from communicating directly with the audience, the announcers' eyes, expressions, posture, clothing, makeup, etc. are silently transmitting information, which is called "nonverbal communication". This kind of "nonverbal communication" plays an important role in the whole TV news program, embodying the color and tone of the whole program.
TV news announcers represent the propaganda organizations of the Party and the government, and are the mouthpieces of the Party and the people. The clothes of the announcers reflect certain propaganda content, program style and trend of thought of the times, and convey certain ideas. Therefore, the clothes of TV news announcers should be fresh, fresh, bright and modern, and should not be too outdated, conservative, fashionable or trendy. Appropriate clothing can well convey the idea and content of the program to the audience, so that the overall feeling and visual feeling of the audience can be unified, and the content of television news can be naturally accepted and understood. I remember that one year in the 29th, Li Ruiying wore a bright red satin blouse with Chinese traditional characteristics in the live broadcast of News Broadcast. The warm and infectious red color was set off against the rising eyebrows, eyeliner, bright red lipstick, which was luxurious and refined, connecting the whole program, so that all audiences, no matter where they were, They will realize that this is a time of national celebration and a night of family happiness. Her decent clothes and makeup make the whole news program always permeate with a strong festival atmosphere, which fully interprets the connotation of the most solemn traditional festival in China, and makes the live broadcast of the whole news program extremely successful.
The hairstyle of a TV news announcer should be simple and capable, reflecting the seriousness of the news. Once it has been finalized, it should remain relatively fixed and should not be changed too much. If it needs to be changed, it should also gradually transition to a new hairstyle through small changes without attracting attention. Frequent changes in hairstyle will make the audience feel that the announcer's interest is erratic and affect their sense of trust. TV news announcers should try to avoid over beautification of their makeup, and only make simple modifications. This is not only because the task of a TV news announcer is to convey news information, not to please the audience with his or her own appearance, but also because his or her working characteristics do not allow him or her to spend a lot of time painting before broadcasting.
The body language of TV newscaster is also conveying some information. For example, in oral broadcasting, if you look up too often, it will appear that the announcer is mechanically nervous and unstable, while if you look up too little, it will appear that you lack communication with the audience, resulting in distance; If the shoulders are uneven, the announcer's heart is not stable; The head movement range is too large to be credible and solemn, while if the head does not move, it will appear stiff and stiff; If you sit in a poor posture, you will appear depressed. If you straighten your chest too much, you will appear arrogant and arrogant; When broadcasting the script, the announcer's mouth activity is small and seems lazy and forced, while the mouth activity is too large and will appear vulgar and not polite enough. In a word, the body movements and facial expressions of TV news announcers should be more standardized than in life, and smaller than the range of stage movements. It is formed after fine adjustment of natural body movements and expressions. A good use of body language will make TV news announcers dignified and graceful, leaving a good impression on the audience.
TV news requires and trains TV news announcers from its characteristics, and TV news announcers constantly improve themselves through broadcasting practice. "Wisdom comes from the heart and shows from the words." While constantly improving and adapting, excellent TV news announcers give TV news a fresh life, create TV news, make news play an efficient role, and enable the vast number of TV viewers to quickly grasp information, feel alive, and correctly and calmly insight into change.


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