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The simplest and effective way to deal with audio noise (required for dubbing staff)

Source: unknown Time: 2017-06-16 Click: 170 times

  In audio production, the common methods of audio noise reduction and de-noising include sampling and de-noising, noise gate, etc. It is an effective method for professional audio processing software to remove persistent and stable background noise. The principle of noise removal is to sample the waveform samples of noise, and then analyze the waveform of the whole material and the sampled noise samples to automatically remove noise. The noise gate is to set a threshold value of a level. All signal levels below this threshold are filtered out, and all signal levels above the threshold are passed.
These two audio denoising methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. After this kind of noise elimination, the sound has a strong metallic smell. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to use this method to remove noise from the singing voice. The key to solving the problem is to control the highest signal to noise ratio in the early recording as far as possible. The latter can effectively remove the background background noise of singing intermittently, and has no destructive effect on the original sound. However, when the voice comes out, the noise door opens and the noise signal comes in, which cannot remove the background noise of the whole material.
In addition, in the process of audio production, the spectrum is used to analyze the frequency band of noise. Through the adjustment of EQ, the signal level of the frequency band where the bottom noise is attenuated can also play the role of audio noise reduction. The signal of this frequency band of the original human voice has also been attenuated, forming a new problem, which is also used less.
I don't know what post-processing software everyone uses. Today, I will introduce a simple and practical denoising method.
First, you need to download an adobe audit. Note that you should download the version of adobe audit 3.0.
Another is a simple method to eliminate noise for finished recordings. However, there are some requirements for audio files. The object of noise removal is recorded audio when the noise is relatively stable. Open the file with adobe audit 3.0, and take a section as the noise sample to ensure that this section is the most representative noise. Then: in the left effects column, select capture noise reduction process, double click the left button to open the OK box, click OK, and wait for the end of the acquisition. Next, we will select all the audio parts that need to eliminate noise, select the effect column, double click the left button of noise reduction process, select OK, and wait for the noise to be eliminated. Finally, the finished product we see is a cleaner audio!


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