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Tell you about professional advertising dubbing skills [Recommended]

Source: unknown Time: 2017-06-16 Click: 125 times

  In the traditional broadcasting style, news broadcasting emphasizes freshness, lightness, decency, clear and accurate articulation, and proper breath control; Communication broadcasting pays attention to the calm and smooth narration, the sincere and simple emotion, the more changes in vocal forms, and the use of air skills becomes an auxiliary means of expression. Each style of broadcasting has its own requirements and characteristics, and each type of program has its own differences from other programs, so does advertising broadcasting. Advertising broadcasting is the re creation of audio language in radio and television advertisements. Because of its own complexity and particularity, the sound modeling in advertising broadcasting is particularly important.
1、 The Direction of Sound Modeling in Advertising Broadcasting
Advertising broadcasting often involves a large span of time and space in a very short period of time, and contains too much information in a sentence. Therefore, the voice direction of advertising broadcasting is very prominent:
(1) Marketing. When a product is newly launched or an enterprise is newly opened, in order to let consumers know the function of the product or the situation of the enterprise as soon as possible, so that it can be known by everyone and facilitate sales, the goal of advertising is to guide consumers to know the product by introducing the product or service. Advertisement broadcasting should be warm, patient, innovative, and refreshing.
(2) Catalysis. When the product has gained a certain popularity, in order to improve the rate of named purchase of consumers, they have changed from hesitation to choice. At this time, the advertising goal is mainly to stick to and persuade. At this time, the advertising broadcasting should be personalized and more sensational.
(3) Make public.
(4) Overall. The four objectives of advertising introduction, persuasion, reminding and correction are usually crossed, while television advertising is the combination of picture and sound. Therefore, advertising broadcasting should take into account multiple aspects and pay attention to the whole. In terms of expression skills, the sentence "should hold together", and the tone should be harmonious and unified; In relation to the picture, remember that you are a supporting actor and do not have to compete for the "play".
(5) Accurate. Accuracy includes correct stress, proper rhythm, reasonable exaggeration and tone consistent with the style of advertising text. Therefore, advertising broadcasting needs to reform and design the sound elements to a certain extent to attract and stimulate the audience's sensory nerves with artistic, characterization and personalized sound, so as to achieve the best effect of advertising communication. It allows you to pronounce words in a less formal manner, and use qi to get elixir; It can be thin, loose, and cutesy; Breath can be held tightly or held tightly. It can be full of real sound or full of breath sound; It can bring a little Hong Kong flavor and dialect. At this time, if you use your own voice to broadcast, you may not achieve the desired artistic effect, which requires you to change your own voice and carry out creative voice "makeup modeling".
2、 Several factors influencing sound modeling
The ancients said, "Sound has its shape, but what is its shape? Big, small, wide, narrow, long, short, sharp, blunt, thick, thin, round, flat, oblique, straight, etc." Big and small refer to volume; Long and short refer to the duration of sound; Coarse and thin, firm and dull are the high and low quality problems of the range, mainly referring to how to use resonance cavity; Broad and narrow, round and flat, oblique and regular belong to the problem of timbre. Different use of resonators, different ways of articulation, different use of breath and different forms of language form form different sound shapes of advertising broadcasting. It should be noted that the sound modeling can make the advertising language with a certain degree of exaggeration and exaggeration, and make it obviously different from the broadcasting language of news reporting. But this "makeup", sometimes light makeup, sometimes heavy makeup, whether light or thick, it is still worth paying attention to a certain degree of discretion.
3、 Several Types of Advertising Sound Modeling
The sound modeling of advertising broadcasting generally includes two aspects:
One is the advertising image of the advertising product, that is, the product positioning before consumers; The second is the different personas in advertisements, that is, the personality characteristics of the spokesmen of advertising commodities. Because the personality characteristics of personas are often subordinate to the product positioning of advertising, the content of these two aspects is often combined and difficult to distinguish completely. The advertising image of advertising products can be divided into elegant, powerful, gentle, cordial and humorous types in terms of sound modeling.
(1) Elegant. Elegant advertisement broadcasting, with slow air delivery and weak voice, is more stable. She shows an elegant temperament, which is quite extraordinary.
(2) Power type. The strength type belongs to the masculinity series, which basically uses a male voice. The bold, generous voice and deep breath show Chu's perseverance, boldness, courage, and self-improvement.
(3) Gentle type. The gentle advertisement reflected in the advertisement works seems to be closer to consumers and closer to each other from a certain point of view.
(4) Friendly. The prominent role of cordial emotional factors in advertising lies in adjusting interpersonal relationships and making advertising products deeply involved in people's spiritual field. And let people appreciate the warmth, human feelings and care of the world.
(5) Humorous. Humor is the specialty of human beings and the inspiration of human wisdom. Humorous advertising, which uses the humorous characters familiar to consumers as advertising models, should be both pleasing and labor-saving.
"After making up, I asked my husband with a low eyebrow. The depth of the thrush is at the same time." The sound modeling of advertising broadcasting, in the final analysis, serves advertising, communication and audience. Therefore, sound modeling cannot be done behind closed doors, and broadcasters should strengthen communication with directors, producers and advertisers, constantly improve their artistic accomplishment in all aspects, and make appropriate attire for the sound, so that their own broadcasting can add to the advertising works.


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