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Sun Yuebin: How can ordinary people have a good voice?

Source: unknown Time: 2017-02-21 Click: 110 times


   How can ordinary people have a good voice?

 Voice actor: Sun Yuebin

Sun Yuebin, a teacher, said that human voice has a natural component, but more of it is acquired. When you are young, your voice is very thin, high and bright. Then with the growth of age and the need of work, it will slowly sink down. I think the voice is indeed the most difficult organ to age in the human body. It also exists when you are old, and it will not be left untouched by age.
In fact, the skills of voice training are varied, and all kinds of skills are different, such as the singing of opera and the opening of drama. As the voice training of language art, I think it should be short. Our vocal cords sound in a relaxed state, not in a tense state. As a language worker, you should not pronounce long sounds, but short sounds. It can increase the graininess of voice.
In terms of sound noumenon, what is noumenon? For example, gold may be a gold stone, a gold brick, or a gold lion. It may also be made into a gold bowl with different shapes, but its noumenon is the same. That is to say, when a person's voice body remains unchanged, it will have many changes, and the style of language will be different. Then the most critical organ to form this different body is not your voice, vocal cord, but your organic organ. Your mouth, teeth, lips, and tongue, because of the changes in your mouth, teeth, lips, and tongue, the voice of the same body will become a language of different styles, The same voice can speak English, French, dialect, etc. The change of this voice is not very big, but the selection and organization of your mouth, teeth, lips, tongue organs. Then the "phase" of the language will vary according to the changes of your mouth, teeth, lips, tongue organs, even thousands of miles. The voice person should pay attention to your second vocal cord, that is, mouth, teeth, lips and tongue, while practicing a good voice.
In fact, as a voice, your language charm, your language style, and your taste are all reflected from your mouth, teeth, lips, and tongue, that is, the organ assembly, rather than from the voice itself. Many people think that if they practice a good voice, they will become a reciter. No, it's just a dead grind. Some people are born with a good voice, while others are hoarse, which does not affect him to become a voice master. So saying good voice and bad voice is just a relative view. It is for us to present good voice and good language style. In fact, it is the direction we should strive for and the problem we should discuss.
Because today's media organizations are all using microphones, earphones, and mobile phones as mediators, it is impossible for a speaker to abandon the existence of these mediators and speak independently, so a good voice is not necessarily good in the microphone. I've met many people with great voices, but the works they convey are really ordinary. Why? In fact, the microphone is like a lens. Some people are photogenic, some people are into the microphone, and some people have beautiful voices, but they do not enter the microphone. In fact, in front of the microphone, the volume he needs is limited, because the microphone is like a human ear, and the microphone is the ear of different listeners. In fact, there is no standard for good voice and bad voice. What is the standard? It is your sincerity in your heart. This is my answer.
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