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Voice Dubbing Actor Grade Examination Practice Tongue Twister Level 4: Little Brothers

Source: unknown Time: 2016-04-12 Click: 70 times


    dubbing Members practice tongue twister: little brothers
Little brothers, red faced, hand in hand, play together.
The two boys, in the same class, sang songs all the way to school.
Learn to make sentences.
Sing new songs, paragraph by paragraph.
Learn to draw, not to play.
Learn from kittens and drill circles.
Draw dogs and squat on the temple platform.
Draw a chicken eating millet.
Draw a small fish spitting bubbles.
The two brothers are right about their temper,
It's easy to go to school. You are really a good baby of your parents.
   Voice dubber practices poetry: Yan'an, I pursue you
Like a swallow returning gracefully,
In pursuit of the past spring;
Like a growing tree,
In pursuit of rain and sun.
Pursue you, the tinkling water of Yanhe River,
Pursuit of you, the fragrance of pear flowers in jujube garden,
Seeking you, the head of Nanniwan wasteland reclamation team,
Follow you, the venue of Yang Jialing's speech.
Row upon row of tall buildings are springing up like mushrooms,
Household appliances are dazzling everywhere;
We said goodbye to the dilapidated hut forever,
But I can't forget the warm earthen kang in Yan'an cave.
The space shuttle explores the mysteries of the universe,
The electronic computer plays a wonderful symphony;
We didn't hesitate to throw away the old ox and old car,
But you can't lose the backbone of Mount Baota.
Yan'an, your spirit is brilliant!
If I lose you,
It's like there's no soul,
How can we fly to the bright future?
Ah! Yan'an, I'm looking for you,
Pursue the New Year and the golden ideal,
In pursuit of warmth and bright spring,
Search for light, search for the fiery sun!
   Voice dubber practices tongue twister: learn words skillfully
Coincidentally, when he was young, he often read "grandma" as "brain".
My brother Xiaoxiao taught Qiaoqiao. She always read "brain" instead of "grandma".
My brother tried to make her learn by pinching her nose.
It happened that the words "grandma" and "brain" were distinguished, and "grandma" no longer read "brain".
Grandma Brain Grandma Brain Grandma, Brain Grandma Brain Grandma.
It can also distinguish between temple description and speech.

This article is organized and provided by Shengguang Dubbing Network:



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