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Dubbing Actor Grade Examination Practice Tongue Twister Level 3: There are boxes in the room

Source: unknown Time: 2016-04-09 Click: 156 times


 Voice dubber practices tongue twister

    Voice dubber practices tongue twister: there is a box in the room
There are boxes in the room, boxes in the boxes,
There is a box in the box, and there are bracelets in the box,
There is a box outside the bracelet and a box outside the box,
There is a box outside the box, and there is a room outside the box.
   Voice dubber practices nursery rhyme: snowflake
Snow, snow, how many petals do you have?
I catch you with the palm of my hand and let me count. One, two, three, four, five, six.
Eh, just after counting, why are the snowflakes gone? Only round drops of water are left.
   Voice dubber practices tongue twister: seven times in a row
Seven stars in the sky,
Seven pieces of ice on the ground,
Seven eagles in the tree,
Seven nails on the beam,
There are seven lights on the stage.
The snoring fan extinguishes seven lights,
Ouch, ouch, pull off the seven heel nails,
Hush, hush, hush and drive away the seven eagles,
Take a kick to break seven pieces of ice,
Flying over dark clouds, there are no seven stars,
Seven times in a row makes you smart.


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