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The beautiful woman who voices "Alipay to the Account" is as sweet as her voice

Source: unknown Time: December 26, 2018 Click: 55 times


In this era of mobile payment, you can go global with a mobile phone. In case your mobile phone has no electricity, you should also remember to bring a power bank. It is not a problem to have these two things out for a day. Thanks to the birth of Alipay and WeChat payment, Alipay has become a way for many people to pay and collect money. Everyone knows that when Alipay has money to pay, there will be an arrival reminder tone. Since she is the youngest sister of the arrival reminder tone.

For a long time, many friends wondered who the little sister was? After a lot of efforts from netizens, the beauty of "Alipay Payroll" was finally found. The little sister was Zhan Yan, an internal staff member of Alipay. Zhan Yan was not a professional voice actor but a human-computer interaction designer. The reason why she was able to be the voice of Alipay Payroll Payroll was because Zhan Yan's voice was so sweet that she was instantly chosen, It is natural to become a pawn. Not only is Zhan Yan an exclusive voice little sister of Alipay, she also often broadcasts live in the company and has become an online celebrity.
When it comes to Zhanyan, she not only has a pleasant voice, but also looks as sweet as her voice. Not only that, Zhan Yan is also a girl who is very strict with herself. In order to get the job on Alipay, she recited all the school recruitment questions over the years on Alipay, and consulted many people about their experience. Finally, she got the job on Alipay.
Zhan Yan volunteered to do this dubbing job, and did not ask for an extra salary. Moreover, Zhan Yan is also very strict about this dubbing job. Zhan Yan has studied how to pronounce each character and what tone to use. The copy has been changed again and again. He is a complete perfectionist who pursues to satisfy himself every time he records.
Such a girl is a treasure. She is not only good-looking and has a beautiful voice, but also is so serious about her work. In an online paragraph, it is said that talent is the key to success. In my opinion, such girls must be very popular in Alipay. They can bring happiness to everyone and complete their work perfectly. However, when netizens praise her appearance, they are curious about one question, that is, does she need to pay the bill? After dinner, you can report to the boss by yourself. After all, Alipay's voice is hers. In fact, this is just a joke made by netizens. My little sister still paid for her meal, but it's OK to fool the boss.
Sure enough, the excellent person is excellent in every aspect. The voice of the little sister who plays the voice of Alipay is beautiful, but she is also so good-looking. Not only that, she also works hard. Such a girl is really rare now. If anyone can marry her, it will be a blessing from a previous life. Dear netizens, do you know this little Alipay voiceover sister? What do you think of her? Leave a comment and share your opinion with us!


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