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The dubbing actors of the main character in "Ye Luoli Fairy Dream" were photographed, and the last one was beyond imagination!

Source: unknown Time: December 26, 2018 Click: 194 times


First of all, Wang Mo, the female number one in the play. The settings given to her by the production team are very ordinary, but in order to highlight her strength, she will occasionally be given some auras of leading role. Later, after becoming a soldier, she became more and more powerful and became a very outstanding girl! Let many fans turn into fans! So who is her voice actor? She is Luo Rufei, whose name is very artistic. Not to mention that she is very similar to Wang Mo. They both have the same big eyes, round face and bright smile. Although she didn't make up, she looked very beautiful.
In the play, Peacock is a particularly narcissistic girl. She loves beauty very much, and she is also very principled in dress matching. So it can also leave a deep impression on everyone in the play. In this season's plot, her identity is also confusing. Her voice actor is called Sidao Badge. The name is a bit like Japanese. It sounds very cool. She is not a boy, but a girl. She looks very simple. Although she has no makeup, she is still a girl with temperament.
As we all know, Ice Princess is a fairy with special temperament in this play. She is said to be the most popular fairy in the play. Surely no one refutes her? She is a very cold girl, and the feeling of being aloof makes people feel that they can only look at her from afar and not blaspheme her. Her voice actor is called Yan Mumo. She is an anime fan, and her image is different from that of Princess Ice. She seems to be a kind of cute girl, with a plump face and a cute look, which forms a contrast with the ice princess.
Jianpeng is Wang Mo's classmate. He likes Wang Mo very much and takes good care of her. When Wang Mosheng was ill and had a fever, he skipped class and took her to the hospital. He is a sunny and cheerful boy, and he is also very handsome. People may think that her voice actor is a boy with almost the same personality. Unexpectedly, her voice actor is a little Laurie, which is really unexpected! The voice actor's name is Xiao Liansha. When I saw this cartoon, I didn't expect that his voice was played by a girl. But she is really cute and has a girl's temperament. Which of these voice actors do you prefer?


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