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Zhu Shengyi stayed up late to dub the new play "Look at me from your perspective" starring Zhu Shengyi

Source: unknown Time: December 13, 2018 Click: 144 times


Directed by Ma Zhen and starred by Zhu Shengyi, Li Junmo, Zhang Linyi and other new generation actors, the inspirational youth drama "Look at me from your perspective" focusing on the online celebrity industry has entered the later dubbing stage, and the broadcast time is expected. As the actress of the play's female leader "Anke", Zhu Shengyi has completed all the dubbing work for the role.
Seeing Me from Your Point of View tells the story of a kind and innocent "Anko" who experienced the test of life to complete his psychological growth and transformed from live Xiaobai into an online celebrity. The "Anke" in the play is stubborn, honest, kind-hearted and warm. She is a working girl full of positive energy, which also matches the image of Zhu Shengyi outside the play. Although she is a ghost girl, she is meticulous in her work and serious in the end. This time, the dubbing of "Anke" is also as usual. After two consecutive days of work in the morning, she immediately rushed to the dubbing room. The continuous nearly 12 hours of dubbing work seemed very indifferent to Zhu Shengyi. It was also common for her to finish work in the morning. She said that she was very full, and her energetic positive energy made people both sad and happy.
It is reported that Zhu Shengyi has also completed the recording of two episodes of the play before. The performance of this show of singing talent is very amazing. The song will also be launched with the play, which is worth looking forward to. At the same time, the film "Just Want to Talk to Strangers" starring Zhu Shengyi has announced its finalization, and the Spring Festival will meet everyone.


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